diff options
authorRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2013-10-01 11:48:17 +0200
committerRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2013-10-01 11:48:17 +0200
commit5278e06ff00e502b8aca40fead7a37aa160ec3fc (patch)
parentdec20bad9945aebca1db139158647ec7eb7e9c1a (diff)
Bump mlton
2 files changed, 65 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/mlton/Manifest b/dev-lang/mlton/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3bcafd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/mlton/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+DIST mlton-20130715-1.amd64-linux.tgz 19512324 SHA256 f6f912009b0946b73af88ff5f3e713b6be63b871696e2697ccf1564b56e7d03b SHA512 ac41cf8b2afbba80ed25908b1842348eac1507b2aada103648171db1482358c4176b01d9266dfee053b20fc224653ec58ee9d3265672c02fa3774b7562a319bf WHIRLPOOL 50d265fbfabba1c9ed840a3393bf80f3b86a094a2a4ca5be323fc369bffcc3f5763a7ea3574b0f64be551396d9dea7365d1263629d8b14ef5fefad203544bfbe
+DIST mlton-20130715-1.x86-linux.tgz 18065793 SHA256 92d89627cf760c56d0e9727f328b006341bf5be283fc7d616a6276c26d95b2cf SHA512 13a996952df27420f05f8290920055231156c8982c1cf3c31259d73e0c534258e2aad91596e51809719ffb0b74652aa052d296000f2ab99462714d4ef9a41859 WHIRLPOOL a010aca6ae07c1e824b1fbfabc9c00eca270422783715ed644b864916f604f77115d87130ab5c77f6163d1f24793aee4ca33cf425bde2b680563c03756ba44ec
+DIST mlton-20130715.src.tgz 25606142 SHA256 215857ad11d44f8d94c27f75e74017aa44b2c9703304bcec9e38c20433143d6c SHA512 db273de47dc0059e830332b559918567f5153a0518e067ba71927e3705157f1984d6f6202201cef25aaef29d1a71a637e9a1cb30951e94dbfae4ab1a5e5d40d1 WHIRLPOOL 0c899b0cb17251ca345b73764a86e160ea5bdde5d35f5eb36b1f72202c87dcc251cfb19563744ad7cfe2e10eb76963df79dca023801f858441d5c745046df5be
diff --git a/dev-lang/mlton/mlton-20130715.ebuild b/dev-lang/mlton/mlton-20130715.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03b30a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/mlton/mlton-20130715.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/mlton/mlton-20100608.ebuild,v 1.3 2013/04/25 07:27:21 gienah Exp $
+inherit base eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Standard ML optimizing compiler and libraries"
+SRC_URI="!binary? ( ${BASE_URI}/${P}.src.tgz )
+ binary? ( amd64? ( ${BASE_URI}/${P}-1.amd64-linux.tgz )
+ x86? ( ${BASE_URI}/${P}-1.x86-linux.tgz ) )"
+# there is support for ppc64 and ia64, but no
+# binaries are provided and there is no native
+# code generation for these platforms
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="binary doc"
+ doc? ( virtual/latex-base )"
+QA_PRESTRIPPED="binary? (
+ usr/bin/mlnlffigen
+ usr/bin/mllex
+ usr/bin/mlprof
+ usr/bin/mlyacc
+ usr/lib/mlton/mlton-compile
+src_compile() {
+ if use !binary; then
+ has_version dev-lang/mlton || die "emerge with binary use flag first"
+ # Fix location in which to install man pages
+ sed -i 's@^MAN_PREFIX_EXTRA :=.*@MAN_PREFIX_EXTRA := /share@' \
+ Makefile || die 'sed Makefile failed'
+ # Does not support parallel make
+ emake -j1 all-no-docs || die
+ if use doc; then
+ export VARTEXFONTS="${T}/fonts"
+ emake docs || die "failed to create documentation"
+ fi
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ if use binary; then
+ # Fix location in which to install man pages
+ mv "${WORKDIR}/usr/man" "${WORKDIR}/usr/share" || die "mv man failed"
+ mv "${WORKDIR}/usr" "${D}" || die "mv failed"
+ else
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-no-docs || die
+ if use doc; then emake DESTDIR="${D}" TDOC="${D}"/usr/share/doc/${P} install-docs || die; fi
+ fi