path: root/.vim/plugin/NERD_tree.vim
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authorRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2009-10-07 17:05:19 +0200
committerRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2009-10-07 17:05:19 +0200
commitdd5427baaf49f8de4355abeb6bc8c6dd14f74e25 (patch)
tree46fcfc70bd792e80ceebaab89a7f8fc06bc29101 /.vim/plugin/NERD_tree.vim
Initial check-in of files
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/plugin/NERD_tree.vim')
1 files changed, 3917 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/plugin/NERD_tree.vim b/.vim/plugin/NERD_tree.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb2d422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/plugin/NERD_tree.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,3917 @@
+" vim global plugin that provides a nice tree explorer
+" Last Change: 26 august 2007
+" Maintainer: Martin Grenfell <martin_grenfell at msn dot com>
+let s:NERD_tree_version = '2.6.2'
+"A help file is installed when the script is run for the first time.
+"Go :help NERD_tree.txt to see it.
+" SECTION: Script init stuff {{{1
+if exists("loaded_nerd_tree")
+ finish
+if v:version < 700
+ echoerr "NERDTree: this plugin requires vim >= 7. DOWNLOAD IT! You'll thank me later!"
+ finish
+let loaded_nerd_tree = 1
+"Function: s:InitVariable() function {{{2
+"This function is used to initialise a given variable to a given value. The
+"variable is only initialised if it does not exist prior
+"var: the name of the var to be initialised
+"value: the value to initialise var to
+"1 if the var is set, 0 otherwise
+function! s:InitVariable(var, value)
+ if !exists(a:var)
+ exec 'let ' . a:var . ' = ' . "'" . a:value . "'"
+ return 1
+ endif
+ return 0
+"SECTION: Init variable calls and other random constants {{{2
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDChristmasTree", 1)
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeAutoCenter", 1)
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold", 3)
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort", 0)
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeChDirMode", 1)
+if !exists("g:NERDTreeIgnore")
+ let g:NERDTreeIgnore = ['\~$']
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeHighlightCursorline", 1)
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMouseMode", 1)
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeNotificationThreshold", 100)
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeShowHidden", 0)
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeShowFiles", 1)
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeSortDirs", 1)
+if !exists("g:NERDTreeSortOrder")
+ let g:NERDTreeSortOrder = ['\/$', '*', '\.swp$', '\.bak$', '\~$']
+ "if there isnt a * in the sort sequence then add one
+ if count(g:NERDTreeSortOrder, '*') < 1
+ call add(g:NERDTreeSortOrder, '*')
+ endif
+"we need to use this number many times for sorting... so we calculate it only
+"once here
+let g:NERDTreeSortStarIndex = index(g:NERDTreeSortOrder, '*')
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeSplitVertical", 1)
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeWinPos", 1)
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeWinSize", 31)
+let s:running_windows = has("win16") || has("win32") || has("win64")
+"init the shell command that will be used to remove dir trees
+"Note: the space after the command is important
+if s:running_windows
+ call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeRemoveDirCmd", 'rmdir /s /q ')
+ call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeRemoveDirCmd", 'rm -rf ')
+"SECTION: Init variable calls for key mappings {{{2
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode", "o")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapChangeRoot", "C")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapChdir", "cd")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapCloseChildren", "X")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapCloseDir", "x")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapExecute", "!")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapFilesystemMenu", "m")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapHelp", "?")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapJumpFirstChild", "K")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapJumpLastChild", "J")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling", "<C-j>")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapJumpParent", "p")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapJumpPrevSibling", "<C-k>")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapJumpRoot", "P")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapOpenExpl", "e")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTab", "t")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent", "T")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively", "O")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapOpenSplit", "<tab>")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapPreview", "g" . NERDTreeMapActivateNode)
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapPreviewSplit", "g" . NERDTreeMapOpenSplit)
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapQuit", "q")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapRefresh", "r")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapRefreshRoot", "R")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapToggleFiles", "F")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapToggleFilters", "f")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapToggleHidden", "H")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapUpdir", "u")
+call s:InitVariable("g:NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen", "U")
+"SECTION: Script level variable declaration{{{2
+let s:escape_chars = " `|\"~'#"
+let s:NERDTreeWinName = '_NERD_tree_'
+"init all the nerd tree markup
+let s:tree_vert = '|'
+let s:tree_vert_last = '`'
+let s:tree_wid = 2
+let s:tree_wid_str = ' '
+let s:tree_wid_strM1 = ' '
+let s:tree_dir_open = '~'
+let s:tree_dir_closed = '+'
+let s:tree_file = '-'
+let s:tree_markup_reg = '[ \-+~`|]'
+let s:tree_markup_reg_neg = '[^ \-+~`|]'
+let s:tree_up_dir_line = '.. (up a dir)'
+let s:tree_RO_str = ' [RO]'
+let s:tree_RO_str_reg = ' \[RO\]'
+let s:os_slash = '/'
+if s:running_windows
+ let s:os_slash = '\'
+" SECTION: Commands {{{1
+"init the command that users start the nerd tree with
+command! -n=? -complete=dir NERDTree :call s:InitNerdTree('<args>')
+command! -n=? -complete=dir NERDTreeToggle :call s:Toggle('<args>')
+" SECTION: Auto commands {{{1
+"Save the cursor position whenever we close the nerd tree
+exec "autocmd BufWinLeave *". s:NERDTreeWinName ."* :call <SID>SaveScreenState()"
+"SECTION: Classes {{{1
+"CLASS: oTreeFileNode {{{2
+"This class is the parent of the oTreeDirNode class and constitures the
+"'Component' part of the composite design pattern between the treenode
+let s:oTreeFileNode = {}
+"FUNCTION: oTreeFileNode.CompareNodes {{{3
+"This is supposed to be a class level method but i cant figure out how to
+"get func refs to work from a dict..
+"A class level method that compares two nodes
+"n1, n2: the 2 nodes to compare
+function! s:CompareNodes(n1, n2)
+ return a:n1.path.CompareTo(a:n2.path)
+"FUNCTION: oTreeFileNode.Delete {{{3
+"Removes this node from the tree and calls the Delete method for its path obj
+function! s:oTreeFileNode.Delete() dict
+ call self.path.Delete()
+ call self.parent.RemoveChild(self)
+"FUNCTION: oTreeFileNode.Equals(treenode) {{{3
+"Compares this treenode to the input treenode and returns 1 if they are the
+"same node.
+"Use this method instead of == because sometimes when the treenodes contain
+"many children, vim seg faults when doing ==
+"treenode: the other treenode to compare to
+function! s:oTreeFileNode.Equals(treenode) dict
+ return self.path.Str(1) == a:treenode.path.Str(1)
+"FUNCTION: oTreeFileNode.FindNode(path) {{{3
+"Returns self if this node.path.Equals the given path.
+"Returns {} if not equal.
+"path: the path object to compare against
+function! s:oTreeFileNode.FindNode(path) dict
+ if a:path.Equals(self.path)
+ return self
+ endif
+ return {}
+"FUNCTION: oTreeFileNode.FindOpenDirSiblingWithChildren(direction) {{{3
+"Finds the next sibling for this node in the indicated direction. This sibling
+"must be a directory and may/may not have children as specified.
+"direction: 0 if you want to find the previous sibling, 1 for the next sibling
+"a treenode object or {} if no appropriate sibling could be found
+function! s:oTreeFileNode.FindOpenDirSiblingWithChildren(direction) dict
+ "if we have no parent then we can have no siblings
+ if self.parent != {}
+ let nextSibling = self.FindSibling(a:direction)
+ while nextSibling != {}
+ if nextSibling.path.isDirectory && nextSibling.HasVisibleChildren() && nextSibling.isOpen
+ return nextSibling
+ endif
+ let nextSibling = nextSibling.FindSibling(a:direction)
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ return {}
+"FUNCTION: oTreeFileNode.FindSibling(direction) {{{3
+"Finds the next sibling for this node in the indicated direction
+"direction: 0 if you want to find the previous sibling, 1 for the next sibling
+"a treenode object or {} if no sibling could be found
+function! s:oTreeFileNode.FindSibling(direction) dict
+ "if we have no parent then we can have no siblings
+ if self.parent != {}
+ "get the index of this node in its parents children
+ let siblingIndx = self.parent.GetChildIndex(self.path)
+ if siblingIndx != -1
+ "move a long to the next potential sibling node
+ let siblingIndx = a:direction == 1 ? siblingIndx+1 : siblingIndx-1
+ "keep moving along to the next sibling till we find one that is valid
+ let numSiblings = self.parent.GetChildCount()
+ while siblingIndx >= 0 && siblingIndx < numSiblings
+ "if the next node is not an ignored node (i.e. wont show up in the
+ "view) then return it
+ if self.parent.children[siblingIndx].path.Ignore() == 0
+ return self.parent.children[siblingIndx]
+ endif
+ "go to next node
+ let siblingIndx = a:direction == 1 ? siblingIndx+1 : siblingIndx-1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ endif
+ return {}
+"FUNCTION: oTreeFileNode.IsVisible() {{{3
+"returns 1 if this node should be visible according to the tree filters and
+"hidden file filters (and their on/off status)
+function! s:oTreeFileNode.IsVisible() dict
+ return !self.path.Ignore()
+"FUNCTION: oTreeFileNode.IsRoot() {{{3
+"returns 1 if this node is t:NERDTreeRoot
+function! s:oTreeFileNode.IsRoot() dict
+ if !s:TreeExistsForTab()
+ throw "NERDTree.TreeFileNode.IsRoot exception: No tree exists for the current tab"
+ endif
+ return self.Equals(t:NERDTreeRoot)
+"FUNCTION: oTreeFileNode.New(path) {{{3
+"Returns a new TreeNode object with the given path and parent
+"path: a path object representing the full filesystem path to the file/dir that the node represents
+function! s:oTreeFileNode.New(path) dict
+ if a:path.isDirectory
+ return s:oTreeDirNode.New(a:path)
+ else
+ let newTreeNode = {}
+ let newTreeNode = copy(self)
+ let newTreeNode.path = a:path
+ let newTreeNode.parent = {}
+ return newTreeNode
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oTreeFileNode.Rename {{{3
+"Calls the rename method for this nodes path obj
+function! s:oTreeFileNode.Rename(newName) dict
+ call self.path.Rename(a:newName)
+ call self.parent.RemoveChild(self)
+ let parentPath = self.path.GetPathTrunk()
+ let newParent = t:NERDTreeRoot.FindNode(parentPath)
+ if newParent != {}
+ call newParent.CreateChild(self.path, 1)
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oTreeFileNode.StrDisplay() {{{3
+"Returns a string that specifies how the node should be represented as a
+"a string that can be used in the view to represent this node
+function! s:oTreeFileNode.StrDisplay() dict
+ return self.path.StrDisplay()
+"CLASS: oTreeDirNode {{{2
+"This class is a child of the oTreeFileNode class and constitutes the
+"'Composite' part of the composite design pattern between the treenode
+let s:oTreeDirNode = copy(s:oTreeFileNode)
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.AddChild(treenode, inOrder) {{{3
+"Adds the given treenode to the list of children for this node
+"-treenode: the node to add
+"-inOrder: 1 if the new node should be inserted in sorted order
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.AddChild(treenode, inOrder) dict
+ call add(self.children, a:treenode)
+ let a:treenode.parent = self
+ if a:inOrder
+ call self.SortChildren()
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.Close {{{3
+"Closes this directory
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.Close() dict
+ let self.isOpen = 0
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.CloseChildren {{{3
+"Closes all the child dir nodes of this node
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.CloseChildren() dict
+ for i in self.children
+ if i.path.isDirectory
+ call i.Close()
+ call i.CloseChildren()
+ endif
+ endfor
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.CreateChild(path, inOrder) {{{3
+"Instantiates a new child node for this node with the given path. The new
+"nodes parent is set to this node.
+"path: a Path object that this node will represent/contain
+"inOrder: 1 if the new node should be inserted in sorted order
+"the newly created node
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.CreateChild(path, inOrder) dict
+ let newTreeNode = s:oTreeFileNode.New(a:path)
+ call self.AddChild(newTreeNode, a:inOrder)
+ return newTreeNode
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.FindNode(path) {{{3
+"Will find one of the children (recursively) that has the given path
+"path: a path object
+unlet s:oTreeDirNode.FindNode
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.FindNode(path) dict
+ if a:path.Equals(self.path)
+ return self
+ endif
+ if stridx(a:path.Str(1), self.path.Str(1), 0) == -1
+ return {}
+ endif
+ if self.path.isDirectory
+ for i in self.children
+ let retVal = i.FindNode(a:path)
+ if retVal != {}
+ return retVal
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return {}
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.GetChildDirs() {{{3
+"Returns the number of children this node has
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.GetChildCount() dict
+ return len(self.children)
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.GetChildDirs() {{{3
+"Returns an array of all children of this node that are directories
+"an array of directory treenodes
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.GetChildDirs() dict
+ let toReturn = []
+ for i in self.children
+ if i.path.isDirectory
+ call add(toReturn, i)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return toReturn
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.GetChildFiles() {{{3
+"Returns an array of all children of this node that are files
+"an array of file treenodes
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.GetChildFiles() dict
+ let toReturn = []
+ for i in self.children
+ if i.path.isDirectory == 0
+ call add(toReturn, i)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return toReturn
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.GetChild(path) {{{3
+"Returns child node of this node that has the given path or {} if no such node
+"This function doesnt not recurse into child dir nodes
+"path: a path object
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.GetChild(path) dict
+ if stridx(a:path.Str(1), self.path.Str(1), 0) == -1
+ return {}
+ endif
+ let index = self.GetChildIndex(a:path)
+ if index == -1
+ return {}
+ else
+ return self.children[index]
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.GetChildByIndex(indx, visible) {{{3
+"returns the child at the given index
+"indx: the index to get the child from
+"visible: 1 if only the visible children array should be used, 0 if all the
+"children should be searched.
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.GetChildByIndex(indx, visible) dict
+ let array_to_search = a:visible? self.GetVisibleChildren() : self.children
+ if a:indx > len(array_to_search)
+ throw "NERDTree.TreeDirNode.InvalidArguments exception. Index is out of bounds."
+ endif
+ return array_to_search[a:indx]
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.GetChildIndex(path) {{{3
+"Returns the index of the child node of this node that has the given path or
+"-1 if no such node exists.
+"This function doesnt not recurse into child dir nodes
+"path: a path object
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.GetChildIndex(path) dict
+ if stridx(a:path.Str(1), self.path.Str(1), 0) == -1
+ return -1
+ endif
+ "do a binary search for the child
+ let a = 0
+ let z = self.GetChildCount()
+ while a < z
+ let mid = (a+z)/2
+ let diff = a:path.CompareTo(self.children[mid].path)
+ if diff == -1
+ let z = mid
+ elseif diff == 1
+ let a = mid+1
+ else
+ return mid
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ return -1
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.GetVisibleChildCount() {{{3
+"Returns the number of visible children this node has
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.GetVisibleChildCount() dict
+ return len(self.GetVisibleChildren())
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.GetVisibleChildren() {{{3
+"Returns a list of children to display for this node, in the correct order
+"an array of treenodes
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.GetVisibleChildren() dict
+ let toReturn = []
+ for i in self.children
+ if i.path.Ignore() == 0
+ call add(toReturn, i)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return toReturn
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.HasVisibleChildren {{{3
+"returns 1 if this node has any childre, 0 otherwise..
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.HasVisibleChildren()
+ return self.GetChildCount() != 0
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.InitChildren {{{3
+"Removes all childen from this node and re-reads them
+"silent: 1 if the function should not echo any "please wait" messages for
+"large directories
+"Return: the number of child nodes read
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.InitChildren(silent) dict
+ "remove all the current child nodes
+ let self.children = []
+ "get an array of all the files in the nodes dir
+ let filesStr = globpath(self.path.GetDir(0), '*') . "\n" . globpath(self.path.GetDir(0), '.*')
+ let files = split(filesStr, "\n")
+ if !a:silent && len(files) > g:NERDTreeNotificationThreshold
+ call s:Echo("Please wait, caching a large dir ...")
+ endif
+ let invalidFilesFound = 0
+ for i in files
+ "filter out the .. and . directories
+ if i !~ '\.\.$' && i !~ '\.$'
+ "put the next file in a new node and attach it
+ try
+ let path = s:oPath.New(i)
+ call self.CreateChild(path, 0)
+ catch /^NERDTree.Path.InvalidArguments/
+ let invalidFilesFound = 1
+ endtry
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call self.SortChildren()
+ if !a:silent && len(files) > g:NERDTreeNotificationThreshold
+ call s:Echo("Please wait, caching a large dir ...")
+ call s:Echo("Please wait, caching a large dir ... DONE (". self.GetChildCount() ." nodes cached).")
+ endif
+ if invalidFilesFound
+ call s:EchoWarning("some files could not be loaded into the NERD tree")
+ endif
+ return self.GetChildCount()
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.New(path) {{{3
+"Returns a new TreeNode object with the given path and parent
+"path: a path object representing the full filesystem path to the file/dir that the node represents
+unlet s:oTreeDirNode.New
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.New(path) dict
+ if a:path.isDirectory != 1
+ throw "NERDTree.TreeDirNode.InvalidArguments exception. A TreeDirNode object must be instantiated with a directory Path object."
+ endif
+ let newTreeNode = copy(self)
+ let newTreeNode.path = a:path
+ let newTreeNode.isOpen = 0
+ let newTreeNode.children = []
+ let newTreeNode.parent = {}
+ return newTreeNode
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.Open {{{3
+"Reads in all this nodes children
+"Return: the number of child nodes read
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.Open() dict
+ let self.isOpen = 1
+ if self.children == []
+ return self.InitChildren(0)
+ else
+ return 0
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.OpenRecursively {{{3
+"Opens this treenode and all of its children whose paths arent 'ignored'
+"because of the file filters.
+"This method is actually a wrapper for the OpenRecursively2 method which does
+"the work.
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.OpenRecursively() dict
+ call self.OpenRecursively2(1)
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.OpenRecursively2 {{{3
+"Dont call this method from outside this object.
+"Opens this all children of this treenode recursively if either:
+" *they arent filtered by file filters
+" *a:forceOpen is 1
+"forceOpen: 1 if this node should be opened regardless of file filters
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.OpenRecursively2(forceOpen) dict
+ if self.path.Ignore() == 0 || a:forceOpen
+ let self.isOpen = 1
+ if self.children == []
+ call self.InitChildren(1)
+ endif
+ for i in self.children
+ if i.path.isDirectory == 1
+ call i.OpenRecursively2(0)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.Refresh {{{3
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.Refresh() dict
+ let newChildNodes = []
+ let invalidFilesFound = 0
+ "go thru all the files/dirs under this node
+ let filesStr = globpath(self.path.GetDir(0), '*') . "\n" . globpath(self.path.GetDir(0), '.*')
+ let files = split(filesStr, "\n")
+ for i in files
+ if i !~ '\.\.$' && i !~ '\.$'
+ try
+ "create a new path and see if it exists in this nodes children
+ let path = s:oPath.New(i)
+ let newNode = self.GetChild(path)
+ if newNode != {}
+ "if the existing node is a dir can be refreshed then
+ "refresh it
+ if newNode.path.isDirectory && (!empty(newNode.children) || newNode.isOpen == 1)
+ call newNode.Refresh()
+ "if we have a filenode then refresh the path
+ elseif newNode.path.isDirectory == 0
+ call newNode.path.Refresh()
+ endif
+ call add(newChildNodes, newNode)
+ "the node doesnt exist so create it
+ else
+ let newNode = s:oTreeFileNode.New(path)
+ let newNode.parent = self
+ call add(newChildNodes, newNode)
+ endif
+ catch /^NERDTree.InvalidArguments/
+ let invalidFilesFound = 1
+ endtry
+ endif
+ endfor
+ "swap this nodes children out for the children we just read/refreshed
+ let self.children = newChildNodes
+ call self.SortChildren()
+ if invalidFilesFound
+ call s:EchoWarning("some files could not be loaded into the NERD tree")
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.RemoveChild {{{3
+"Removes the given treenode from this nodes set of children
+"treenode: the node to remove
+"Throws a NERDTree.TreeDirNode exception if the given treenode is not found
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.RemoveChild(treenode) dict
+ for i in range(0, self.GetChildCount()-1)
+ if self.children[i].Equals(a:treenode)
+ call remove(self.children, i)
+ return
+ endif
+ endfor
+ throw "NERDTree.TreeDirNode exception: child node was not found"
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.SortChildren {{{3
+"Sorts the children of this node according to alphabetical order and the
+"directory priority.
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.SortChildren() dict
+ let CompareFunc = function("s:CompareNodes")
+ call sort(self.children, CompareFunc)
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.ToggleOpen {{{3
+"Opens this directory if it is closed and vice versa
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.ToggleOpen() dict
+ if self.isOpen == 1
+ call self.Close()
+ else
+ call self.Open()
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oTreeDirNode.TransplantChild(newNode) {{{3
+"Replaces the child of this with the given node (where the child node's full
+"path matches a:newNode's fullpath). The search for the matching node is
+"newNode: the node to graft into the tree
+function! s:oTreeDirNode.TransplantChild(newNode) dict
+ for i in range(0, self.GetChildCount()-1)
+ if self.children[i].Equals(a:newNode)
+ let self.children[i] = a:newNode
+ let a:newNode.parent = self
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+"CLASS: oPath {{{2
+let s:oPath = {}
+"FUNCTION: oPath.ChangeToDir() {{{3
+function! s:oPath.ChangeToDir() dict
+ let dir = self.Str(1)
+ if self.isDirectory == 0
+ let dir = self.GetPathTrunk().Str(1)
+ endif
+ try
+ execute "cd " . dir
+ call s:Echo("CWD is now: " . getcwd())
+ catch
+ throw "NERDTree.Path.Change exception: cannot change to " . dir
+ endtry
+"FUNCTION: oPath.ChopTrailingSlash(str) {{{3
+function! s:oPath.ChopTrailingSlash(str) dict
+ if a:str =~ '\/$'
+ return substitute(a:str, "\/$", "", "")
+ else
+ return substitute(a:str, "\\$", "", "")
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oPath.CompareTo() {{{3
+"Compares this oPath to the given path and returns 0 if they are equal, -1 if
+"this oPath is "less than" the given path, or 1 if it is "greater".
+"path: the path object to compare this to
+"1, -1 or 0
+function! s:oPath.CompareTo(path) dict
+ let thisPath = self.GetLastPathComponent(1)
+ let thatPath = a:path.GetLastPathComponent(1)
+ "if the paths are the same then clearly we return 0
+ if thisPath == thatPath
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let thisSS = self.GetSortOrderIndex()
+ let thatSS = a:path.GetSortOrderIndex()
+ "compare the sort sequences, if they are different then the return
+ "value is easy
+ if thisSS < thatSS
+ return -1
+ elseif thisSS > thatSS
+ return 1
+ else
+ "if the sort sequences are the same then compare the paths
+ "alphabetically
+ let pathCompare = g:NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort ? thisPath <# thatPath : thisPath <? thatPath
+ if pathCompare
+ return -1
+ else
+ return 1
+ endif
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oPath.Create() {{{3
+"Factory method.
+"Creates a path object with the given path. The path is also created on the
+"filesystem. If the path already exists, a NERDTree.Path.Exists exception is
+"thrown. If any other errors occur, a NERDTree.Path exception is thrown.
+"fullpath: the full filesystem path to the file/dir to create
+function! s:oPath.Create(fullpath) dict
+ "bail if the a:fullpath already exists
+ if isdirectory(a:fullpath) || filereadable(a:fullpath)
+ throw "NERDTree.Path.Exists Exception: Directory Exists: '" . a:fullpath . "'"
+ endif
+ "get the unix version of the input path
+ let fullpath = a:fullpath
+ if s:running_windows
+ let fullpath = s:oPath.WinToUnixPath(fullpath)
+ endif
+ try
+ "if it ends with a slash, assume its a dir create it
+ if fullpath =~ '\/$'
+ "whack the trailing slash off the end if it exists
+ let fullpath = substitute(fullpath, '\/$', '', '')
+ call mkdir(fullpath, 'p')
+ "assume its a file and create
+ else
+ call writefile([], fullpath)
+ endif
+ catch /.*/
+ throw "NERDTree.Path Exception: Could not create path: '" . a:fullpath . "'"
+ endtry
+ return s:oPath.New(fullpath)
+"FUNCTION: oPath.Delete() {{{3
+"Deletes the file represented by this path.
+"Deletion of directories is not supported
+"Throws NERDTree.Path.Deletion exceptions
+function! s:oPath.Delete() dict
+ if self.isDirectory
+ let cmd = ""
+ if s:running_windows
+ "if we are runnnig windows then put quotes around the pathstring
+ let cmd = g:NERDTreeRemoveDirCmd . self.StrForOS(1)
+ else
+ let cmd = g:NERDTreeRemoveDirCmd . self.StrForOS(0)
+ endif
+ let success = system(cmd)
+ if v:shell_error != 0
+ throw "NERDTree.Path.Deletion Exception: Could not delete directory: '" . self.StrForOS(0) . "'"
+ endif
+ else
+ let success = delete(self.Str(0))
+ if success != 0
+ throw "NERDTree.Path.Deletion Exception: Could not delete file: '" . self.Str(0) . "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oPath.GetDir() {{{3
+"Gets the directory part of this path. If this path IS a directory then the
+"whole thing is returned
+"trailingSlash: 1 if a trailing slash is to be stuck on the end of the
+"returned dir
+function! s:oPath.GetDir(trailingSlash) dict
+ let toReturn = ''
+ if self.isDirectory
+ let toReturn = '/'. join(self.pathSegments, '/')
+ else
+ let toReturn = '/'. join(self.pathSegments[0:-2], '/')
+ endif
+ if a:trailingSlash && toReturn !~ '\/$'
+ let toReturn = toReturn . '/'
+ endif
+ return toReturn
+"FUNCTION: oPath.GetFile() {{{3
+"Returns the file component of this path.
+"Throws NERDTree.IllegalOperation exception if the node is a directory node
+function! s:oPath.GetFile() dict
+ if self.isDirectory == 0
+ return self.GetLastPathComponent(0)
+ else
+ throw "NERDTree.Path.IllegalOperation Exception: cannot get file component of a directory path"
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oPath.GetLastPathComponent(dirSlash) {{{3
+"Gets the last part of this path.
+"dirSlash: if 1 then a trailing slash will be added to the returned value for
+"directory nodes.
+function! s:oPath.GetLastPathComponent(dirSlash) dict
+ if empty(self.pathSegments)
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let toReturn = self.pathSegments[-1]
+ if a:dirSlash && self.isDirectory
+ let toReturn = toReturn . '/'
+ endif
+ return toReturn
+"FUNCTION: oPath.GetPathTrunk() {{{3
+"Gets the path without the last segment on the end.
+function! s:oPath.GetPathTrunk() dict
+ return s:oPath.New('/' . join(self.pathSegments[0:-2], '/'))
+"FUNCTION: oPath.GetSortOrderIndex() {{{3
+"returns the index of the pattern in g:NERDTreeSortOrder that this path matches
+function! s:oPath.GetSortOrderIndex() dict
+ let i = 0
+ while i < len(g:NERDTreeSortOrder)
+ if self.GetLastPathComponent(1) =~ g:NERDTreeSortOrder[i]
+ return i
+ endif
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ return g:NERDTreeSortStarIndex
+"FUNCTION: oPath.Ignore() {{{3
+"returns true if this path should be ignored
+function! s:oPath.Ignore() dict
+ let lastPathComponent = self.GetLastPathComponent(0)
+ "filter out the user specified paths to ignore
+ if t:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled
+ for i in g:NERDTreeIgnore
+ if lastPathComponent =~ i
+ return 1
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ "dont show hidden files unless instructed to
+ if g:NERDTreeShowHidden == 0 && lastPathComponent =~ '^\.'
+ return 1
+ endif
+ if g:NERDTreeShowFiles == 0 && self.isDirectory == 0
+ return 1
+ endif
+ return 0
+"FUNCTION: oPath.Equals() {{{3
+"Determines whether 2 path objecs are "equal".
+"They are equal if the paths they represent are the same
+"path: the other path obj to compare this with
+function! s:oPath.Equals(path) dict
+ let this = self.ChopTrailingSlash(self.Str(1))
+ let that = self.ChopTrailingSlash(a:path.Str(1))
+ return this == that
+"FUNCTION: oPath.New() {{{3
+"The Constructor for the Path object
+"Throws NERDTree.Path.InvalidArguments exception.
+function! s:oPath.New(fullpath) dict
+ let newPath = copy(self)
+ call newPath.ReadInfoFromDisk(a:fullpath)
+ return newPath
+"FUNCTION: oPath.NewMinimal() {{{3
+function! s:oPath.NewMinimal(fullpath) dict
+ let newPath = copy(self)
+ let fullpath = a:fullpath
+ if s:running_windows
+ let fullpath = s:oPath.WinToUnixPath(fullpath)
+ endif
+ let newPath.pathSegments = split(fullpath, '/')
+ let newPath.isDirectory = isdirectory(fullpath)
+ return newPath
+"FUNCTION: oPath.ReadInfoFromDisk(fullpath) {{{3
+"Throws NERDTree.Path.InvalidArguments exception.
+function! s:oPath.ReadInfoFromDisk(fullpath) dict
+ let fullpath = a:fullpath
+ if s:running_windows
+ let fullpath = s:oPath.WinToUnixPath(fullpath)
+ endif
+ let self.pathSegments = split(fullpath, '/')
+ let self.isReadOnly = 0
+ if isdirectory(fullpath)
+ let self.isDirectory = 1
+ elseif filereadable(fullpath)
+ let self.isDirectory = 0
+ let self.isReadOnly = filewritable(fullpath) == 0
+ else
+ throw "NERDTree.Path.InvalidArguments Exception: Invalid path = " . fullpath
+ endif
+ "grab the last part of the path (minus the trailing slash)
+ let lastPathComponent = self.GetLastPathComponent(0)
+ "get the path to the new node with the parent dir fully resolved
+ let hardPath = resolve(self.StrTrunk()) . '/' . lastPathComponent
+ "if the last part of the path is a symlink then flag it as such
+ let self.isSymLink = (resolve(hardPath) != hardPath)
+ if self.isSymLink
+ let self.symLinkDest = resolve(fullpath)
+ "if the link is a dir then slap a / on the end of its dest
+ if isdirectory(self.symLinkDest)
+ "we always wanna treat MS windows shortcuts as files for
+ "simplicity
+ if hardPath !~ '\.lnk$'
+ let self.symLinkDest = self.symLinkDest . '/'
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oPath.Refresh() {{{3
+function! s:oPath.Refresh() dict
+ call self.ReadInfoFromDisk(self.Str(0))
+"FUNCTION: oPath.Rename() {{{3
+"Renames this node on the filesystem
+function! s:oPath.Rename(newPath) dict
+ if a:newPath == ''
+ throw "NERDTree.Path.InvalidArguments exception. Invalid newPath for renaming = ". a:newPath
+ endif
+ let success = rename(self.Str(0), a:newPath)
+ if success != 0
+ throw "NERDTree.Path.Rename Exception: Could not rename: '" . self.Str(0) . "'" . 'to:' . a:newPath
+ endif
+ let self.pathSegments = split(a:newPath, '/')
+"FUNCTION: oPath.Str(esc) {{{3
+"Gets the actual string path that this obj represents.
+"esc: if 1 then all the tricky chars in the returned string will be escaped
+function! s:oPath.Str(esc) dict
+ let toReturn = '/' . join(self.pathSegments, '/')
+ if self.isDirectory && toReturn != '/'
+ let toReturn = toReturn . '/'
+ endif
+ if a:esc
+ let toReturn = escape(toReturn, s:escape_chars)
+ endif
+ return toReturn
+"FUNCTION: oPath.StrAbs() {{{3
+"Returns a string representing this path with all the symlinks resolved
+function! s:oPath.StrAbs() dict
+ return resolve(self.Str(1))
+"FUNCTION: oPath.StrDisplay() {{{3
+"Returns a string that specifies how the path should be represented as a
+"a string that can be used in the view to represent this path
+function! s:oPath.StrDisplay() dict
+ let toReturn = self.GetLastPathComponent(1)
+ if self.isSymLink
+ let toReturn .= ' -> ' . self.symLinkDest
+ endif
+ if self.isReadOnly
+ let toReturn .= s:tree_RO_str
+ endif
+ return toReturn
+"FUNCTION: oPath.StrForEditCmd() {{{3
+"Return: the string for this path that is suitable to be used with the :edit
+function! s:oPath.StrForEditCmd() dict
+ if s:running_windows
+ return self.StrForOS(0)
+ else
+ return self.Str(1)
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: oPath.StrForOS(esc) {{{3
+"Gets the string path for this path object that is appropriate for the OS.
+"EG, in windows c:\foo\bar
+" in *nix /foo/bar
+"esc: if 1 then all the tricky chars in the returned string will be
+" escaped. If we are running windows then the str is double quoted instead.
+function! s:oPath.StrForOS(esc) dict
+ let lead = s:os_slash
+ "if we are running windows then slap a drive letter on the front
+ if s:running_windows
+ let lead = strpart(getcwd(), 0, 2) . s:os_slash
+ endif
+ let toReturn = lead . join(self.pathSegments, s:os_slash)
+ if a:esc
+ if s:running_windows
+ let toReturn = '"' . toReturn . '"'
+ else
+ let toReturn = escape(toReturn, s:escape_chars)
+ endif
+ endif
+ return toReturn
+"FUNCTION: oPath.StrTrunk() {{{3
+"Gets the path without the last segment on the end.
+function! s:oPath.StrTrunk() dict
+ return '/' . join(self.pathSegments[0:-2], '/')
+"FUNCTION: oPath.WinToUnixPath(pathstr){{{3
+"Takes in a windows path and returns the unix equiv
+"A class level method
+"pathstr: the windows path to convert
+function! s:oPath.WinToUnixPath(pathstr) dict
+ let toReturn = a:pathstr
+ "remove the x:\ of the front
+ let toReturn = substitute(toReturn, '^.*:\(\\\|/\)\?', '/', "")
+ "convert all \ chars to /
+ let toReturn = substitute(toReturn, '\', '/', "g")
+ return toReturn
+" SECTION: General Functions {{{1
+"FUNCTION: s:Abs(num){{{2
+"returns the absolute value of the input
+function! s:Abs(num)
+ if a:num > 0
+ return a:num
+ else
+ return 0 - a:num
+ end
+"FUNCTION: s:BufInWindows(bnum){{{2
+"Determine the number of windows open to this buffer number.
+"Care of Yegappan Lakshman. Thanks!
+"bnum: the subject buffers buffer number
+function! s:BufInWindows(bnum)
+ let cnt = 0
+ let winnum = 1
+ while 1
+ let bufnum = winbufnr(winnum)
+ if bufnum < 0
+ break
+ endif
+ if bufnum == a:bnum
+ let cnt = cnt + 1
+ endif
+ let winnum = winnum + 1
+ endwhile
+ return cnt
+endfunction " >>>
+"FUNCTION: s:InitNerdTree(dir) {{{2
+"Initialized the NERD tree, where the root will be initialized with the given
+"dir: the dir to init the root with
+function! s:InitNerdTree(dir)
+ let dir = a:dir == '' ? expand('%:p:h') : a:dir
+ let dir = resolve(dir)
+ if !isdirectory(dir)
+ call s:EchoWarning("Error reading: " . dir)
+ return
+ endif
+ "if instructed to, then change the vim CWD to the dir the NERDTree is
+ "inited in
+ if g:NERDTreeChDirMode != 0
+ exec "cd " . dir
+ endif
+ let t:treeShowHelp = 0
+ let t:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled = 1
+ if s:TreeExistsForTab()
+ if s:IsTreeOpen()
+ call s:CloseTree()
+ endif
+ unlet t:NERDTreeRoot
+ endif
+ let path = s:oPath.New(dir)
+ let t:NERDTreeRoot = s:oTreeDirNode.New(path)
+ call t:NERDTreeRoot.Open()
+ call s:CreateTreeWin()
+ call s:RenderView()
+" Function: s:InstallDocumentation(full_name, revision) {{{2
+" Install help documentation.
+" Arguments:
+" full_name: Full name of this vim plugin script, including path name.
+" revision: Revision of the vim script. #version# mark in the document file
+" will be replaced with this string with 'v' prefix.
+" Return:
+" 1 if new document installed, 0 otherwise.
+" Note: Cleaned and generalized by guo-peng Wen.
+" Note about authorship: this function was taken from the vimspell plugin
+" which can be found at
+function! s:InstallDocumentation(full_name, revision)
+ " Name of the document path based on the system we use:
+ if has("vms")
+ " No chance that this script will work with
+ " VMS - to much pathname juggling here.
+ return 1
+ elseif (has("unix"))
+ " On UNIX like system, using forward slash:
+ let l:slash_char = '/'
+ let l:mkdir_cmd = ':silent !mkdir -p '
+ else
+ " On M$ system, use backslash. Also mkdir syntax is different.
+ " This should only work on W2K and up.
+ let l:slash_char = '\'
+ let l:mkdir_cmd = ':silent !mkdir '
+ endif
+ let l:doc_path = l:slash_char . 'doc'
+ let l:doc_home = l:slash_char . '.vim' . l:slash_char . 'doc'
+ " Figure out document path based on full name of this script:
+ let l:vim_plugin_path = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':h')
+ let l:vim_doc_path = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':h:h') . l:doc_path
+ if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2))
+ "Doc path: " . l:vim_doc_path
+ call s:Echo("Doc path: " . l:vim_doc_path)
+ execute l:mkdir_cmd . '"' . l:vim_doc_path . '"'
+ if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2))
+ " Try a default configuration in user home:
+ let l:vim_doc_path = expand("~") . l:doc_home
+ if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2))
+ execute l:mkdir_cmd . '"' . l:vim_doc_path . '"'
+ if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2))
+ " Put a warning:
+ call s:Echo("Unable to open documentation directory")
+ call s:Echo("type :help add-local-help for more information.")
+ call s:Echo(l:vim_doc_path)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Exit if we have problem to access the document directory:
+ if (!isdirectory(l:vim_plugin_path) || !isdirectory(l:vim_doc_path) || filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) != 2)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " Full name of script and documentation file:
+ let l:script_name = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':t')
+ let l:doc_name = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':t:r') . '.txt'
+ let l:plugin_file = l:vim_plugin_path . l:slash_char . l:script_name
+ let l:doc_file = l:vim_doc_path . l:slash_char . l:doc_name
+ " Bail out if document file is still up to date:
+ if (filereadable(l:doc_file) && getftime(l:plugin_file) < getftime(l:doc_file))
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " Prepare window position restoring command:
+ if (strlen(@%))
+ let l:go_back = 'b ' . bufnr("%")
+ else
+ let l:go_back = 'enew!'
+ endif
+ " Create a new buffer & read in the plugin file (me):
+ setl nomodeline
+ exe 'enew!'
+ exe 'r ' . l:plugin_file
+ setl modeline
+ let l:buf = bufnr("%")
+ setl noswapfile modifiable
+ norm zR
+ norm gg
+ " Delete from first line to a line starts with
+ " === START_DOC
+ 1,/^=\{3,}\s\+START_DOC\C/ d
+ " Delete from a line starts with
+ " === END_DOC
+ " to the end of the documents:
+ /^=\{3,}\s\+END_DOC\C/,$ d
+ " Remove fold marks:
+ :%s/{{{[1-9]/ /
+ " Add modeline for help doc: the modeline string is mangled intentionally
+ " to avoid it be recognized by VIM:
+ call append(line('$'), '')
+ call append(line('$'), ' v' . 'im:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:')
+ " Replace revision:
+ "exe "normal :1s/#version#/ v" . a:revision . "/\<CR>"
+ exe "normal! :%s/#version#/ v" . a:revision . "/\<CR>"
+ " Save the help document:
+ exe 'w! ' . l:doc_file
+ exe l:go_back
+ exe 'bw ' . l:buf
+ " Build help tags:
+ exe 'helptags ' . l:vim_doc_path
+ return 1
+" Function: s:TreeExistsForTab() {{{2
+" Returns 1 if a nerd tree root exists in the current tab
+function! s:TreeExistsForTab()
+ return exists("t:NERDTreeRoot")
+" SECTION: Public Functions {{{1
+"Returns the node that the cursor is currently on.
+"If the cursor is not in the NERDTree window, it is temporarily put there.
+"If no NERD tree window exists for the current tab, a NERDTree.NoTreeForTab
+"exception is thrown.
+"If the cursor is not on a node then an empty dictionary {} is returned.
+function! NERDTreeGetCurrentNode()
+ if !s:TreeExistsForTab() || !s:IsTreeOpen()
+ throw "NERDTree.NoTreeForTab exception: there is no NERD tree open for the current tab"
+ endif
+ let winnr = winnr()
+ if winnr != s:GetTreeWinNum()
+ call s:PutCursorInTreeWin()
+ endif
+ let treenode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if winnr != winnr()
+ wincmd w
+ endif
+ return treenode
+"Returns the path object for the current node.
+"Subject to the same conditions as NERDTreeGetCurrentNode
+function! NERDTreeGetCurrentPath()
+ let node = NERDTreeGetCurrentNode()
+ if node != {}
+ return node.path
+ else
+ return {}
+ endif
+" SECTION: View Functions {{{1
+"FUNCTION: s:CenterView() {{{2
+"centers the nerd tree window around the cursor (provided the nerd tree
+"options permit)
+function! s:CenterView()
+ if g:NERDTreeAutoCenter
+ let current_line = winline()
+ let lines_to_top = current_line
+ let lines_to_bottom = winheight(s:GetTreeWinNum()) - current_line
+ if lines_to_top < g:NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold || lines_to_bottom < g:NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold
+ normal! zz
+ endif
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: s:CloseTree() {{{2
+"Closes the NERD tree window
+function! s:CloseTree()
+ if !s:IsTreeOpen()
+ throw "NERDTree.view.CloseTree exception: no NERDTree is open"
+ endif
+ if winnr("$") != 1
+ execute s:GetTreeWinNum() . " wincmd w"
+ close
+ execute "wincmd p"
+ else
+ :q
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: s:CreateTreeWin() {{{2
+"Inits the NERD tree window. ie. opens it, sizes it, sets all the local
+"options etc
+function! s:CreateTreeWin()
+ "create the nerd tree window
+ let splitLocation = g:NERDTreeWinPos ? "topleft " : "belowright "
+ let splitMode = g:NERDTreeSplitVertical ? "vertical " : ""
+ let splitSize = g:NERDTreeWinSize
+ let t:NERDTreeWinName = localtime() . s:NERDTreeWinName
+ let cmd = splitLocation . splitMode . splitSize . ' new ' . t:NERDTreeWinName
+ silent! execute cmd
+ setl winfixwidth
+ "throwaway buffer options
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ setlocal buftype=nofile
+ setlocal bufhidden=delete
+ setlocal nowrap
+ setlocal foldcolumn=0
+ setlocal nobuflisted
+ setlocal nospell
+ iabc <buffer>
+ if g:NERDTreeHighlightCursorline
+ setlocal cursorline
+ endif
+ " syntax highlighting
+ if has("syntax") && exists("g:syntax_on") && !has("syntax_items")
+ call s:SetupSyntaxHighlighting()
+ endif
+ " for line continuation
+ let cpo_save1 = &cpo
+ set cpo&vim
+ call s:BindMappings()
+"FUNCTION: s:DrawTree {{{2
+"Draws the given node recursively
+"curNode: the node that is being rendered with this call
+"depth: the current depth in the tree for this call
+"drawText: 1 if we should actually draw the line for this node (if 0 then the
+"child nodes are rendered only)
+"vertMap: a binary array that indicates whether a vertical bar should be draw
+"for each depth in the tree
+"isLastChild:true if this curNode is the last child of its parent
+function! s:DrawTree(curNode, depth, drawText, vertMap, isLastChild)
+ if a:drawText == 1
+ let treeParts = ''
+ "get all the leading spaces and vertical tree parts for this line
+ if a:depth > 1
+ for j in a:vertMap[0:-2]
+ if j == 1
+ let treeParts = treeParts . s:tree_vert . s:tree_wid_strM1
+ else
+ let treeParts = treeParts . s:tree_wid_str
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ "get the last vertical tree part for this line which will be different
+ "if this node is the last child of its parent
+ if a:isLastChild
+ let treeParts = treeParts . s:tree_vert_last
+ else
+ let treeParts = treeParts . s:tree_vert
+ endif
+ "smack the appropriate dir/file symbol on the line before the file/dir
+ "name itself
+ if a:curNode.path.isDirectory
+ if a:curNode.isOpen
+ let treeParts = treeParts . s:tree_dir_open
+ else
+ let treeParts = treeParts . s:tree_dir_closed
+ endif
+ else
+ let treeParts = treeParts . s:tree_file
+ endif
+ let line = treeParts . a:curNode.StrDisplay()
+ call setline(line(".")+1, line)
+ call cursor(line(".")+1, col("."))
+ endif
+ "if the node is an open dir, draw its children
+ if a:curNode.path.isDirectory == 1 && a:curNode.isOpen == 1
+ let childNodesToDraw = a:curNode.GetVisibleChildren()
+ if len(childNodesToDraw) > 0
+ "draw all the nodes children except the last
+ let lastIndx = len(childNodesToDraw)-1
+ if lastIndx > 0
+ for i in childNodesToDraw[0:lastIndx-1]
+ call s:DrawTree(i, a:depth + 1, 1, add(copy(a:vertMap), 1), 0)
+ endfor
+ endif
+ "draw the last child, indicating that it IS the last
+ call s:DrawTree(childNodesToDraw[lastIndx], a:depth + 1, 1, add(copy(a:vertMap), 0), 1)
+ endif
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: s:DumpHelp {{{2
+"prints out the quick help
+function! s:DumpHelp()
+ let old_h = @h
+ if t:treeShowHelp == 1
+ let @h= "\" NERD tree (" . s:NERD_tree_version . ") quickhelp~\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ============================\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" File node mappings~\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". (g:NERDTreeMouseMode == 3 ? "single" : "double") ."-click,\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode .": open in prev window\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapPreview .": preview \n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTab.": open in new tab\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent .": open in new tab silently\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" middle-click,\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenSplit .": open split\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapPreviewSplit .": preview split\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapExecute.": Execute file\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" \n\" ----------------------------\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" Directory node mappings~\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". (g:NERDTreeMouseMode == 1 ? "double" : "single") ."-click,\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode .": open/close node \n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively .": recursively open node\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapCloseDir .": close parent of node\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapCloseChildren .": close all child nodes of\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" current node recursively\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" middle-click,\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenExpl.": Open netrw for selected\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" node \n"
+ let @h=@h."\" \n\" ----------------------------\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" Tree navigation mappings~\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpRoot .": go to root\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpParent .": go to parent\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpFirstChild .": go to first child\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpLastChild .": go to last child\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling .": go to next sibling\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpPrevSibling .": go to prev sibling\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" \n\" ----------------------------\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" Filesystem mappings~\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapChangeRoot .": change tree root to the\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" selected dir\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapUpdir .": move tree root up a dir\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen .": move tree root up a dir\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" but leave old root open\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapRefresh .": refresh cursor dir\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapRefreshRoot .": refresh current root\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapFilesystemMenu .": Show filesystem menu\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapChdir .":change the CWD to the\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" selected dir\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" \n\" ----------------------------\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" Tree filtering mappings~\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleHidden .": hidden files (" . (g:NERDTreeShowHidden ? "on" : "off") . ")\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleFilters .": file filters (" . (t:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled ? "on" : "off") . ")\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleFiles .": files (" . (g:NERDTreeShowFiles ? "on" : "off") . ")\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" \n\" ----------------------------\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" Other mappings~\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapQuit .": Close the NERDTree window\n"
+ let @h=@h."\" ". g:NERDTreeMapHelp .": toggle help\n"
+ else
+ let @h="\" Press ". g:NERDTreeMapHelp ." for help\n"
+ endif
+ silent! put h
+ let @h = old_h
+"FUNCTION: s:Echo {{{2
+"A wrapper for :echo. Appends 'NERDTree:' on the front of all messages
+"msg: the message to echo
+function! s:Echo(msg)
+ redraw
+ echo "NERDTree: " . a:msg
+"FUNCTION: s:EchoWarning {{{2
+"Wrapper for s:Echo, sets the message type to warningmsg for this message
+"msg: the message to echo
+function! s:EchoWarning(msg)
+ echohl warningmsg
+ call s:Echo(a:msg)
+ echohl normal
+"FUNCTION: s:EchoError {{{2
+"Wrapper for s:Echo, sets the message type to errormsg for this message
+"msg: the message to echo
+function! s:EchoError(msg)
+ echohl errormsg
+ call s:Echo(a:msg)
+ echohl normal
+"FUNCTION: s:FindNodeLineNumber(treenode){{{2
+"Finds the line number for the given tree node
+"treenode: the node to find the line no. for
+function! s:FindNodeLineNumber(treenode)
+ "if the node is the root then return the root line no.
+ if a:treenode.IsRoot()
+ return s:FindRootNodeLineNumber()
+ endif
+ let totalLines = line("$")
+ "the path components we have matched so far
+ let pathcomponents = [substitute(t:NERDTreeRoot.path.Str(0), '/ *$', '', '')]
+ "the index of the component we are searching for
+ let curPathComponent = 1
+ let fullpath = a:treenode.path.Str(0)
+ let lnum = s:FindRootNodeLineNumber()
+ while lnum > 0
+ let lnum = lnum + 1
+ "have we reached the bottom of the tree?
+ if lnum == totalLines+1
+ return -1
+ endif
+ let curLine = getline(lnum)
+ let indent = match(curLine,s:tree_markup_reg_neg) / s:tree_wid
+ if indent == curPathComponent
+ let curLine = s:StripMarkupFromLine(curLine, 1)
+ let curPath = join(pathcomponents, '/') . '/' . curLine
+ if stridx(fullpath, curPath, 0) == 0
+ if fullpath == curPath || strpart(fullpath, len(curPath)-1,1) == '/'
+ let curLine = substitute(curLine, '/ *$', '', '')
+ call add(pathcomponents, curLine)
+ let curPathComponent = curPathComponent + 1
+ if fullpath == curPath
+ return lnum
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ return -1
+"FUNCTION: s:FindRootNodeLineNumber(path){{{2
+"Finds the line number of the root node
+function! s:FindRootNodeLineNumber()
+ let rootLine = 1
+ while getline(rootLine) !~ '^/'
+ let rootLine = rootLine + 1
+ endwhile
+ return rootLine
+"FUNCTION: s:GetPath(ln) {{{2
+"Gets the full path to the node that is rendered on the given line number
+"ln: the line number to get the path for
+"A path if a node was selected, {} if nothing is selected.
+"If the 'up a dir' line was selected then the path to the parent of the
+"current root is returned
+function! s:GetPath(ln)
+ let line = getline(a:ln)
+ "check to see if we have the root node
+ if line =~ '^\/'
+ return t:NERDTreeRoot.path
+ endif
+ " in case called from outside the tree
+ if line !~ '^ *[|`]' || line =~ '^$'
+ return {}
+ endif
+ if line == s:tree_up_dir_line
+ return s:oPath.New( t:NERDTreeRoot.path.GetDir(0) )
+ endif
+ "get the indent level for the file (i.e. how deep in the tree it is)
+ "let indent = match(line,'[^-| `]') / s:tree_wid
+ let indent = match(line, s:tree_markup_reg_neg) / s:tree_wid
+ "remove the tree parts and the leading space
+ let curFile = s:StripMarkupFromLine(line, 0)
+ let wasdir = 0
+ if curFile =~ '/$'
+ let wasdir = 1
+ endif
+ let curFile = substitute (curFile,' -> .*',"","") " remove link to
+ if wasdir == 1
+ let curFile = substitute (curFile, '/\?$', '/', "")
+ endif
+ let dir = ""
+ let lnum = a:ln
+ while lnum > 0
+ let lnum = lnum - 1
+ let curLine = getline(lnum)
+ "have we reached the top of the tree?
+ if curLine =~ '^/'
+ let sd = substitute (curLine, '[ ]*$', "", "")
+ let dir = sd . dir
+ break
+ endif
+ if curLine =~ '/$'
+ let lpindent = match(curLine,s:tree_markup_reg_neg) / s:tree_wid
+ if lpindent < indent
+ let indent = indent - 1
+ let sd = substitute (curLine, '^' . s:tree_markup_reg . '*',"","")
+ let sd = substitute (sd, ' -> .*', '',"")
+ " remove leading escape
+ let sd = substitute (sd,'^\\', "", "")
+ let dir = sd . dir
+ continue
+ endif
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ let curFile = dir . curFile
+ return s:oPath.NewMinimal(curFile)
+"FUNCTION: s:GetSelectedDir() {{{2
+"Returns the current node if it is a dir node, or else returns the current
+"nodes parent
+function! s:GetSelectedDir()
+ let currentDir = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if currentDir != {} && !currentDir.IsRoot()
+ if currentDir.path.isDirectory == 0
+ let currentDir = currentDir.parent
+ endif
+ endif
+ return currentDir
+"FUNCTION: s:GetSelectedNode() {{{2
+"gets the treenode that the cursor is currently over
+function! s:GetSelectedNode()
+ try
+ let path = s:GetPath(line("."))
+ if path == {}
+ return {}
+ endif
+ return t:NERDTreeRoot.FindNode(path)
+ catch /^NERDTree/
+ return {}
+ endtry
+"FUNCTION: s:GetTreeBufNum() {{{2
+"gets the nerd tree buffer number for this tab
+function! s:GetTreeBufNum()
+ if exists("t:NERDTreeWinName")
+ return bufnr(t:NERDTreeWinName)
+ else
+ return -1
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: s:GetTreeWinNum() {{{2
+"gets the nerd tree window number for this tab
+function! s:GetTreeWinNum()
+ if exists("t:NERDTreeWinName")
+ return bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeWinName)
+ else
+ return -1
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: s:IsTreeOpen() {{{2
+function! s:IsTreeOpen()
+ return s:GetTreeWinNum() != -1
+" FUNCTION: s:JumpToChild(direction) {{{2
+" Args:
+" direction: 0 if going to first child, 1 if going to last
+function! s:JumpToChild(direction)
+ let currentNode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if currentNode == {} || currentNode.IsRoot()
+ call s:Echo("cannot jump to " . (a:direction ? "last" : "first") . " child")
+ return
+ end
+ let dirNode = currentNode.parent
+ let childNodes = dirNode.GetVisibleChildren()
+ let targetNode = childNodes[0]
+ if a:direction
+ let targetNode = childNodes[len(childNodes) - 1]
+ endif
+ if targetNode.Equals(currentNode)
+ let siblingDir = currentNode.parent.FindOpenDirSiblingWithChildren(a:direction)
+ if siblingDir != {}
+ let indx = a:direction ? siblingDir.GetVisibleChildCount()-1 : 0
+ let targetNode = siblingDir.GetChildByIndex(indx, 1)
+ endif
+ endif
+ call s:PutCursorOnNode(targetNode, 1)
+ call s:CenterView()
+"FUNCTION: s:OpenDirNodeSplit(treenode) {{{2
+"Open the file represented by the given node in a new window.
+"No action is taken for file nodes
+"treenode: file node to open
+function! s:OpenDirNodeSplit(treenode)
+ if a:treenode.path.isDirectory == 1
+ call s:OpenNodeSplit(a:treenode)
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: s:OpenFileNode(treenode) {{{2
+"Open the file represented by the given node in the current window, splitting
+"the window if needed
+"treenode: file node to open
+function! s:OpenFileNode(treenode)
+ call s:PutCursorInTreeWin()
+ if s:ShouldSplitToOpen(winnr("#"))
+ call s:OpenFileNodeSplit(a:treenode)
+ else
+ try
+ wincmd p
+ exec ("edit " . a:treenode.path.StrForEditCmd())
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E37/
+ call s:PutCursorInTreeWin()
+ call s:Echo("Cannot open file, it is already open and modified")
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:/
+ echo v:exception
+ endtry
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: s:OpenFileNodeSplit(treenode) {{{2
+"Open the file represented by the given node in a new window.
+"No action is taken for dir nodes
+"treenode: file node to open
+function! s:OpenFileNodeSplit(treenode)
+ if a:treenode.path.isDirectory == 0
+ try
+ call s:OpenNodeSplit(a:treenode)
+ catch /^NERDTree.view.FileOpen/
+ call s:Echo("Cannot open file, it is already open and modified" )
+ endtry
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: s:OpenNodeSplit(treenode) {{{2
+"Open the file/dir represented by the given node in a new window
+"treenode: file node to open
+function! s:OpenNodeSplit(treenode)
+ call s:PutCursorInTreeWin()
+ " Save the user's settings for splitbelow and splitright
+ let savesplitbelow=&splitbelow
+ let savesplitright=&splitright
+ " Figure out how to do the split based on the user's preferences.
+ " We want to split to the (left,right,top,bottom) of the explorer
+ " window, but we want to extract the screen real-estate from the
+ " window next to the explorer if possible.
+ "
+ " 'there' will be set to a command to move from the split window
+ " back to the explorer window
+ "
+ " 'back' will be set to a command to move from the explorer window
+ " back to the newly split window
+ "
+ " 'right' and 'below' will be set to the settings needed for
+ " splitbelow and splitright IF the explorer is the only window.
+ "
+ if g:NERDTreeSplitVertical == 1
+ let there= g:NERDTreeWinPos ? "wincmd h" : "wincmd l"
+ let back= g:NERDTreeWinPos ? "wincmd l" : "wincmd h"
+ let right=g:NERDTreeWinPos ? 1 : 0
+ let below=0
+ else
+ let there= g:NERDTreeWinPos ? "wincmd k" : "wincmd j"
+ let back= g:NERDTreeWinPos ? "wincmd j" : "wincmd k"
+ let right=0
+ let below=g:NERDTreeWinPos ? 1 : 0
+ endif
+ " Attempt to go to adjacent window
+ exec(back)
+ let onlyOneWin = (winnr() == s:GetTreeWinNum())
+ " If no adjacent window, set splitright and splitbelow appropriately
+ if onlyOneWin
+ let &splitright=right
+ let &splitbelow=below
+ else
+ " found adjacent window - invert split direction
+ let &splitright=!right
+ let &splitbelow=!below
+ endif
+ " Create a variable to use if splitting vertically
+ let splitMode = ""
+ if (onlyOneWin && g:NERDTreeSplitVertical) || (!onlyOneWin && !g:NERDTreeSplitVertical)
+ let splitMode = "vertical"
+ endif
+ " Open the new window
+ try
+ exec("silent " . splitMode." sp " . a:treenode.path.StrForEditCmd())
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E37/
+ call s:PutCursorInTreeWin()
+ throw "NERDTree.view.FileOpen exception: ". a:treenode.path.Str(0) ." is already open and modified."
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:/
+ do nothing
+ endtry
+ " resize the explorer window if it is larger than the requested size
+ exec(there)
+ if g:NERDTreeWinSize =~ '[0-9]\+' && winheight("") > g:NERDTreeWinSize
+ exec("silent vertical resize ".g:NERDTreeWinSize)
+ endif
+ wincmd p
+ " Restore splitmode settings
+ let &splitbelow=savesplitbelow
+ let &splitright=savesplitright
+"FUNCTION: s:PromptToDelBuffer(bufnum, msg){{{2
+"prints out the given msg and, if the user responds by pushing 'y' then the
+"buffer with the given bufnum is deleted
+"bufnum: the buffer that may be deleted
+"msg: a message that will be echoed to the user asking them if they wish to
+" del the buffer
+function! s:PromptToDelBuffer(bufnum, msg)
+ echo a:msg
+ if nr2char(getchar()) == 'y'
+ exec "silent bdelete! " . a:bufnum
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: s:PutCursorOnNode(treenode, is_jump){{{2
+"Places the cursor on the line number representing the given node
+"treenode: the node to put the cursor on
+"is_jump: 1 if this cursor movement should be counted as a jump by vim
+function! s:PutCursorOnNode(treenode, is_jump)
+ let ln = s:FindNodeLineNumber(a:treenode)
+ if ln != -1
+ if a:is_jump
+ mark '
+ endif
+ call cursor(ln, col("."))
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: s:PutCursorInTreeWin(){{{2
+"Places the cursor in the nerd tree window
+function! s:PutCursorInTreeWin()
+ if !s:IsTreeOpen()
+ throw "NERDTree.view.InvalidOperation Exception: No NERD tree window exists"
+ endif
+ exec s:GetTreeWinNum() . "wincmd w"
+"FUNCTION: s:RenderView {{{2
+"The entry function for rendering the tree. Renders the root then calls
+"s:DrawTree to draw the children of the root
+function! s:RenderView()
+ execute s:GetTreeWinNum() . "wincmd w"
+ setlocal modifiable
+ "remember the top line of the buffer and the current line so we can
+ "restore the view exactly how it was
+ let curLine = line(".")
+ let curCol = col(".")
+ let topLine = line("w0")
+ "delete all lines in the buffer (being careful not to clobber a register)
+ :silent 1,$delete _
+ call s:DumpHelp()
+ "delete the blank line before the help and add one after it
+ call setline(line(".")+1, " ")
+ call cursor(line(".")+1, col("."))
+ "add the 'up a dir' line
+ call setline(line(".")+1, s:tree_up_dir_line)
+ call cursor(line(".")+1, col("."))
+ "draw the header line
+ call setline(line(".")+1, t:NERDTreeRoot.path.Str(0))
+ call cursor(line(".")+1, col("."))
+ "draw the tree
+ call s:DrawTree(t:NERDTreeRoot, 0, 0, [], t:NERDTreeRoot.GetChildCount() == 1)
+ "delete the blank line at the top of the buffer
+ :silent 1,1delete _
+ "restore the view
+ call cursor(topLine, 1)
+ normal! zt
+ call cursor(curLine, curCol)
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+"FUNCTION: s:RenderViewSavingPosition {{{2
+"Renders the tree and ensures the cursor stays on the current node or the
+"current nodes parent if it is no longer available upon re-rendering
+function! s:RenderViewSavingPosition()
+ let currentNode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ "go up the tree till we find a node that will be visible or till we run
+ "out of nodes
+ while currentNode != {} && !currentNode.IsVisible() && !currentNode.IsRoot()
+ let currentNode = currentNode.parent
+ endwhile
+ call s:RenderView()
+ if currentNode != {}
+ call s:PutCursorOnNode(currentNode, 0)
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: s:RestoreScreenState() {{{2
+"Sets the screen state back to what it was when s:SaveScreenState was last
+"Assumes the cursor is in the NERDTree window
+function! s:RestoreScreenState()
+ if !exists("t:NERDTreeOldTopLine") || !exists("t:NERDTreeOldPos")
+ return
+ endif
+ call cursor(t:NERDTreeOldTopLine, 0)
+ normal! zt
+ call setpos(".", t:NERDTreeOldPos)
+"FUNCTION: s:SaveScreenState() {{{2
+"Saves the current cursor position in the current buffer and the window
+"scroll position
+"Assumes the cursor is in the NERDTree window
+function! s:SaveScreenState()
+ let t:NERDTreeOldPos = getpos(".")
+ let t:NERDTreeOldTopLine = line("w0")
+"FUNCTION: s:SetupSyntaxHighlighting() {{{2
+function! s:SetupSyntaxHighlighting()
+ "treeFlags are syntax items that should be invisible, but give clues as to
+ "how things should be highlighted
+ syn match treeFlag #\~#
+ syn match treeFlag #\[RO\]#
+ "highlighting for the .. (up dir) line at the top of the tree
+ execute "syn match treeUp #". s:tree_up_dir_line ."#"
+ "highlighting for the ~/+ symbols for the directory nodes
+ syn match treeClosable #\~\<#
+ syn match treeClosable #\~\.#
+ syn match treeOpenable #+\<#
+ syn match treeOpenable #+\.#he=e-1
+ "highlighting for the tree structural parts
+ syn match treePart #|#
+ syn match treePart #`#
+ syn match treePartFile #[|`]-#hs=s+1 contains=treePart
+ "quickhelp syntax elements
+ syn match treeHelpKey #" \{1,2\}[^ ]*:#hs=s+2,he=e-1
+ syn match treeHelpKey #" \{1,2\}[^ ]*,#hs=s+2,he=e-1
+ syn match treeHelpTitle #" .*\~#hs=s+2,he=e-1 contains=treeFlag
+ syn match treeToggleOn #".*(on)#hs=e-2,he=e-1 contains=treeHelpKey
+ syn match treeToggleOff #".*(off)#hs=e-3,he=e-1 contains=treeHelpKey
+ syn match treeHelp #^" .*# contains=treeHelpKey,treeHelpTitle,treeFlag,treeToggleOff,treeToggleOn
+ "highlighting for sym links
+ syn match treeLink #[^-| `].* -> #
+ "highlighting for readonly files
+ syn match treeRO #[0-9a-zA-Z]\+.*\[RO\]# contains=treeFlag
+ "highlighing for directory nodes and file nodes
+ syn match treeDirSlash #/#
+ syn match treeDir #[^-| `].*/\([ {}]\{4\}\)*$# contains=treeLink,treeDirSlash,treeOpenable,treeClosable
+ syn match treeFile #|-.*# contains=treeLink,treePart,treeRO,treePartFile
+ syn match treeFile #`-.*# contains=treeLink,treePart,treeRO,treePartFile
+ syn match treeCWD #^/.*$#
+ if g:NERDChristmasTree
+ hi def link treePart Special
+ hi def link treePartFile Type
+ hi def link treeFile Macro
+ hi def link treeDirSlash Identifier
+ hi def link treeClosable Type
+ else
+ hi def link treePart Normal
+ hi def link treePartFile Normal
+ hi def link treeFile Normal
+ hi def link treeClosable Title
+ endif
+ hi def link treeHelp String
+ hi def link treeHelpKey Identifier
+ hi def link treeHelpTitle Macro
+ hi def link treeToggleOn Question
+ hi def link treeToggleOff WarningMsg
+ hi def link treeDir Directory
+ hi def link treeUp Directory
+ hi def link treeCWD Statement
+ hi def link treeLink Title
+ hi def link treeOpenable Title
+ hi def link treeFlag ignore
+ hi def link treeRO WarningMsg
+ hi def link NERDTreeCurrentNode Search
+"FUNCTION: s:ShouldSplitToOpen() {{{2
+"Returns 1 if opening a file from the tree in the given window requires it to
+"be split
+"winnumber: the number of the window in question
+function! s:ShouldSplitToOpen(winnumber)
+ if &hidden
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let oldwinnr = winnr()
+ exec a:winnumber . "wincmd p"
+ let modified = &modified
+ exec oldwinnr . "wincmd p"
+ return winnr("$") == 1 || (modified && s:BufInWindows(winbufnr(a:winnumber)) < 2)
+"FUNCTION: s:StripMarkupFromLine(line){{{2
+"returns the given line with all the tree parts stripped off
+"line: the subject line
+"removeLeadingSpaces: 1 if leading spaces are to be removed (leading spaces =
+"any spaces before the actual text of the node)
+function! s:StripMarkupFromLine(line, removeLeadingSpaces)
+ let line = a:line
+ "remove the tree parts and the leading space
+ let line = substitute (line,"^" . s:tree_markup_reg . "*","","")
+ "strip off any read only flag
+ let line = substitute (line, s:tree_RO_str_reg, "","")
+ let wasdir = 0
+ if line =~ '/$'
+ let wasdir = 1
+ endif
+ let line = substitute (line,' -> .*',"","") " remove link to
+ if wasdir == 1
+ let line = substitute (line, '/\?$', '/', "")
+ endif
+ if a:removeLeadingSpaces
+ let line = substitute (line, '^ *', '', '')
+ endif
+ return line
+"FUNCTION: s:Toggle(dir) {{{2
+"Toggles the NERD tree. I.e the NERD tree is open, it is closed, if it is
+"closed it is restored or initialized (if it doesnt exist)
+"dir: the full path for the root node (is only used if the NERD tree is being
+function! s:Toggle(dir)
+ if s:TreeExistsForTab()
+ if !s:IsTreeOpen()
+ call s:CreateTreeWin()
+ call s:RenderView()
+ call s:RestoreScreenState()
+ else
+ call s:CloseTree()
+ endif
+ else
+ call s:InitNerdTree(a:dir)
+ endif
+"SECTION: Interface bindings {{{1
+"FUNCTION: s:ActivateNode() {{{2
+"If the current node is a file, open it in the previous window (or a new one
+"if the previous is modified). If it is a directory then it is opened.
+function! s:ActivateNode()
+ if getline(".") == s:tree_up_dir_line
+ return s:UpDir(0)
+ endif
+ let treenode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if treenode == {}
+ call s:EchoWarning("cannot open selected entry")
+ return
+ endif
+ if treenode.path.isDirectory
+ call treenode.ToggleOpen()
+ call s:RenderView()
+ call s:PutCursorOnNode(treenode, 0)
+ else
+ call s:OpenFileNode(treenode)
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: s:BindMappings() {{{2
+function! s:BindMappings()
+ " set up mappings and commands for this buffer
+ nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <middlerelease> :call <SID>HandleMiddleMouse()<cr>
+ nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <leftrelease> <leftrelease>:call <SID>CheckForActivate()<cr>
+ nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <2-leftmouse> :call <SID>ActivateNode()<cr>
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode . " :call <SID>ActivateNode()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenSplit ." :call <SID>OpenEntrySplit()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapPreview ." :call <SID>PreviewNode(0)<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapPreviewSplit ." :call <SID>PreviewNode(1)<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapExecute ." :call <SID>ExecuteNode()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively ." :call <SID>OpenNodeRecursively()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen ." :call <SID>UpDir(1)<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapUpdir ." :call <SID>UpDir(0)<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapChangeRoot ." :call <SID>ChRoot()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapChdir ." :call <SID>ChCwd()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapQuit ." :NERDTreeToggle<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapRefreshRoot ." :call <SID>RefreshRoot()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapRefresh ." :call <SID>RefreshCurrent()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapHelp ." :call <SID>DisplayHelp()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleHidden ." :call <SID>ToggleShowHidden()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleFilters ." :call <SID>ToggleIgnoreFilter()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapToggleFiles ." :call <SID>ToggleShowFiles()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapCloseDir ." :call <SID>CloseCurrentDir()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapCloseChildren ." :call <SID>CloseChildren()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapFilesystemMenu ." :call <SID>ShowFileSystemMenu()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpParent ." :call <SID>JumpToParent()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling ." :call <SID>JumpToSibling(1)<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpPrevSibling ." :call <SID>JumpToSibling(0)<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpFirstChild ." :call <SID>JumpToFirstChild()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpLastChild ." :call <SID>JumpToLastChild()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapJumpRoot ." :call <SID>JumpToRoot()<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTab ." :call <SID>OpenNodeNewTab(0)<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent ." :call <SID>OpenNodeNewTab(1)<cr>"
+ exec "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ". g:NERDTreeMapOpenExpl ." :call <SID>OpenExplorer()<cr>"
+"FUNCTION: s:CheckForActivate() {{{2
+"Checks if the click should open the current node, if so then activate() is
+"called (directories are automatically opened if the symbol beside them is
+function! s:CheckForActivate()
+ let currentNode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if currentNode != {}
+ let startToCur = strpart(getline(line(".")), 0, col("."))
+ let char = strpart(startToCur, strlen(startToCur)-1, 1)
+ "if they clicked a dir, check if they clicked on the + or ~ sign
+ "beside it
+ if currentNode.path.isDirectory
+ let reg = '^' . s:tree_markup_reg .'*[' . s:tree_dir_open . s:tree_dir_closed . ']$'
+ if startToCur =~ reg
+ call s:ActivateNode()
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (g:NERDTreeMouseMode == 2 && currentNode.path.isDirectory) || g:NERDTreeMouseMode == 3
+ if char !~ s:tree_markup_reg && startToCur !~ '\/$'
+ call s:ActivateNode()
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+" FUNCTION: s:ChCwd() {{{2
+function! s:ChCwd()
+ let treenode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if treenode == {}
+ call s:Echo("Select a node first")
+ return
+ endif
+ try
+ call treenode.path.ChangeToDir()
+ catch /^NERDTree.Path.Change/
+ call s:EchoWarning("could not change cwd")
+ endtry
+" FUNCTION: s:ChRoot() {{{2
+" changes the current root to the selected one
+function! s:ChRoot()
+ let treenode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if treenode == {} || treenode.path.isDirectory == 0
+ call s:Echo("Select a directory node first")
+ return
+ endif
+ if treenode.isOpen == 0
+ call treenode.Open()
+ endif
+ let t:NERDTreeRoot = treenode
+ "change dir to the dir of the new root if instructed to
+ if g:NERDTreeChDirMode == 2
+ exec "cd " . treenode.path.StrForEditCmd()
+ endif
+ call s:RenderView()
+ call s:PutCursorOnNode(t:NERDTreeRoot, 0)
+" FUNCTION: s:CloseChildren() {{{2
+" closes all childnodes of the current node
+function! s:CloseChildren()
+ let currentNode = s:GetSelectedDir()
+ if currentNode == {}
+ call s:Echo("Select a node first")
+ return
+ endif
+ call currentNode.CloseChildren()
+ call s:RenderView()
+ call s:PutCursorOnNode(currentNode, 0)
+" FUNCTION: s:CloseCurrentDir() {{{2
+" closes the parent dir of the current node
+function! s:CloseCurrentDir()
+ let treenode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if treenode == {}
+ call s:Echo("Select a node first")
+ return
+ endif
+ let parent = treenode.parent
+ if parent.IsRoot()
+ call s:Echo("cannot close tree root")
+ else
+ call treenode.parent.Close()
+ call s:RenderView()
+ call s:PutCursorOnNode(treenode.parent, 0)
+ endif
+" FUNCTION: s:DeleteNode() {{{2
+" if the current node is a file, pops up a dialog giving the user the option
+" to delete it
+function! s:DeleteNode()
+ let currentNode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if currentNode == {}
+ call s:Echo("Put the cursor on a file node first")
+ return
+ endif
+ let confirmed = 0
+ if currentNode.path.isDirectory
+ let choice =input("Delete the current node\n" .
+ \ "==========================================================\n" .
+ \ "STOP! To delete this entire directory, type 'yes'\n" .
+ \ "" . currentNode.path.StrForOS(0) . ": ")
+ let confirmed = choice == 'yes'
+ else
+ echo "Delete the current node\n" .
+ \ "==========================================================\n".
+ \ "Are you sure you wish to delete the node:\n" .
+ \ "" . currentNode.path.StrForOS(0) . " (yN):"
+ let choice = nr2char(getchar())
+ let confirmed = choice == 'y'
+ endif
+ if confirmed
+ try
+ call currentNode.Delete()
+ call s:RenderView()
+ "if the node is open in a buffer, ask the user if they want to
+ "close that buffer
+ let bufnum = bufnr(currentNode.path.Str(0))
+ if buflisted(bufnum)
+ let prompt = "\nNode deleted.\n\nThe file is open in buffer ". bufnum . (bufwinnr(bufnum) == -1 ? " (hidden)" : "") .". Delete this buffer? (yN)"
+ call s:PromptToDelBuffer(bufnum, prompt)
+ endif
+ redraw
+ catch /^NERDTree/
+ call s:EchoWarning("Could not remove node")
+ endtry
+ else
+ call s:Echo("delete aborted" )
+ endif
+" FUNCTION: s:DisplayHelp() {{{2
+" toggles the help display
+function! s:DisplayHelp()
+ let t:treeShowHelp = t:treeShowHelp ? 0 : 1
+ call s:RenderView()
+ call s:CenterView()
+" FUNCTION: s:ExecuteNode() {{{2
+function! s:ExecuteNode()
+ let treenode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if treenode == {} || treenode.path.isDirectory
+ call s:Echo("Select an executable file node first" )
+ else
+ echo "NERDTree executor\n" .
+ \ "==========================================================\n".
+ \ "Complete the command to execute (add arguments etc): \n\n"
+ let cmd = treenode.path.StrForOS(1)
+ let cmd = input(':!', cmd . ' ')
+ if cmd != ''
+ exec ':!' . cmd
+ else
+ call s:Echo("command aborted")
+ endif
+ endif
+" FUNCTION: s:HandleMiddleMouse() {{{2
+function! s:HandleMiddleMouse()
+ let curNode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if curNode == {}
+ call s:Echo("Put the cursor on a node first" )
+ return
+ endif
+ if curNode.path.isDirectory
+ call s:OpenExplorer()
+ else
+ call s:OpenEntrySplit()
+ endif
+" FUNCTION: s:InsertNewNode() {{{2
+" Adds a new node to the filesystem and then into the tree
+function! s:InsertNewNode()
+ let curDirNode = s:GetSelectedDir()
+ if curDirNode == {}
+ call s:Echo("Put the cursor on a node first" )
+ return
+ endif
+ let newNodeName = input("Add a childnode\n".
+ \ "==========================================================\n".
+ \ "Enter the dir/file name to be created. Dirs end with a '/'\n" .
+ \ "", curDirNode.path.Str(0))
+ if newNodeName == ''
+ call s:Echo("Node Creation Aborted.")
+ return
+ endif
+ try
+ let newPath = s:oPath.Create(newNodeName)
+ let parentNode = t:NERDTreeRoot.FindNode(newPath.GetPathTrunk())
+ let newTreeNode = s:oTreeFileNode.New(newPath)
+ if parentNode.isOpen || !empty(parentNode.children)
+ call parentNode.AddChild(newTreeNode, 1)
+ call s:RenderView()
+ call s:PutCursorOnNode(newTreeNode, 1)
+ endif
+ catch /^NERDTree/
+ call s:EchoWarning("Node Not Created.")
+ endtry
+" FUNCTION: s:JumpToFirstChild() {{{2
+" wrapper for the jump to child method
+function! s:JumpToFirstChild()
+ call s:JumpToChild(0)
+" FUNCTION: s:JumpToLastChild() {{{2
+" wrapper for the jump to child method
+function! s:JumpToLastChild()
+ call s:JumpToChild(1)
+" FUNCTION: s:JumpToParent() {{{2
+" moves the cursor to the parent of the current node
+function! s:JumpToParent()
+ let currentNode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if !empty(currentNode)
+ if !empty(currentNode.parent)
+ call s:PutCursorOnNode(currentNode.parent, 1)
+ call s:CenterView()
+ else
+ call s:Echo("cannot jump to parent")
+ endif
+ else
+ call s:Echo("put the cursor on a node first")
+ endif
+" FUNCTION: s:JumpToRoot() {{{2
+" moves the cursor to the root node
+function! s:JumpToRoot()
+ call s:PutCursorOnNode(t:NERDTreeRoot, 1)
+ call s:CenterView()
+" FUNCTION: s:JumpToSibling() {{{2
+" moves the cursor to the sibling of the current node in the given direction
+" Args:
+" forward: 1 if the cursor should move to the next sibling, 0 if it should
+" move back to the previous sibling
+function! s:JumpToSibling(forward)
+ let currentNode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if !empty(currentNode)
+ if !currentNode.path.isDirectory
+ if a:forward
+ let sibling = currentNode.parent.FindSibling(1)
+ else
+ let sibling = currentNode.parent
+ endif
+ else
+ let sibling = currentNode.FindSibling(a:forward)
+ endif
+ if !empty(sibling)
+ call s:PutCursorOnNode(sibling, 1)
+ call s:CenterView()
+ endif
+ else
+ call s:Echo("put the cursor on a node first")
+ endif
+" FUNCTION: s:OpenEntrySplit() {{{2
+" Opens the currently selected file from the explorer in a
+" new window
+function! s:OpenEntrySplit()
+ let treenode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if treenode != {}
+ call s:OpenFileNodeSplit(treenode)
+ else
+ call s:Echo("select a node first")
+ endif
+" FUNCTION: s:OpenExplorer() {{{2
+function! s:OpenExplorer()
+ let treenode = s:GetSelectedDir()
+ if treenode != {}
+ let oldwin = winnr()
+ wincmd p
+ if oldwin == winnr() || (&modified && s:BufInWindows(winbufnr(winnr())) < 2)
+ wincmd p
+ call s:OpenDirNodeSplit(treenode)
+ else
+ exec ("silent edit " . treenode.path.StrForEditCmd())
+ endif
+ else
+ call s:Echo("select a node first")
+ endif
+" FUNCTION: s:OpenNodeNewTab(stayCurrentTab) {{{2
+" Opens the currently selected file from the explorer in a
+" new tab
+" Args:
+" stayCurrentTab: if 1 then vim will stay in the current tab, if 0 then vim
+" will go to the tab where the new file is opened
+function! s:OpenNodeNewTab(stayCurrentTab)
+ let treenode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if treenode != {}
+ let curTabNr = tabpagenr()
+ exec "tabedit " . treenode.path.StrForEditCmd()
+ if a:stayCurrentTab
+ exec "tabnext " . curTabNr
+ endif
+ else
+ call s:Echo("select a node first")
+ endif
+" FUNCTION: s:OpenNodeRecursively() {{{2
+function! s:OpenNodeRecursively()
+ let treenode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if treenode == {} || treenode.path.isDirectory == 0
+ call s:Echo("Select a directory node first" )
+ else
+ call s:Echo("Recursively opening node. Please wait...")
+ call treenode.OpenRecursively()
+ call s:RenderView()
+ redraw
+ call s:Echo("Recursively opening node. Please wait... DONE")
+ endif
+"FUNCTION: s:PreviewNode() {{{2
+function! s:PreviewNode(openNewWin)
+ let treenode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if treenode == {} || treenode.path.isDirectory
+ call s:Echo("Select a file node first" )
+ return
+ endif
+ if a:openNewWin
+ call s:OpenEntrySplit()
+ else
+ call s:ActivateNode()
+ end
+ call s:PutCursorInTreeWin()
+" FUNCTION: s:RefreshRoot() {{{2
+" Reloads the current root. All nodes below this will be lost and the root dir
+" will be reloaded.
+function! s:RefreshRoot()
+ call s:Echo("Refreshing the root node. This could take a while...")
+ call t:NERDTreeRoot.Refresh()
+ call s:RenderView()
+ redraw
+ call s:Echo("Refreshing the root node. This could take a while... DONE")
+" FUNCTION: s:RefreshCurrent() {{{2
+" refreshes the root for the current node
+function! s:RefreshCurrent()
+ let treenode = s:GetSelectedDir()
+ if treenode == {}
+ call s:Echo("Refresh failed. Select a node first")
+ return
+ endif
+ call s:Echo("Refreshing node. This could take a while...")
+ call treenode.Refresh()
+ call s:RenderView()
+ redraw
+ call s:Echo("Refreshing node. This could take a while... DONE")
+" FUNCTION: s:RenameCurrent() {{{2
+" allows the user to rename the current node
+function! s:RenameCurrent()
+ let curNode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if curNode == {}
+ call s:Echo("Put the cursor on a node first" )
+ return
+ endif
+ let newNodePath = input("Rename the current node\n" .
+ \ "==========================================================\n" .
+ \ "Enter the new path for the node: \n" .
+ \ "", curNode.path.Str(0))
+ if newNodePath == ''
+ call s:Echo("Node Renaming Aborted.")
+ return
+ endif
+ let newNodePath = substitute(newNodePath, '\/$', '', '')
+ try
+ let bufnum = bufnr(curNode.path.Str(0))
+ call curNode.Rename(newNodePath)
+ call s:RenderView()
+ "if the node is open in a buffer, ask the user if they want to
+ "close that buffer
+ if bufnum != -1
+ let prompt = "|\n|Node renamed.\n|\n|The old file is open in buffer ". bufnum . (bufwinnr(bufnum) == -1 ? " (hidden)" : "") .". Delete this buffer? (yN)"
+ call s:PromptToDelBuffer(bufnum, prompt)
+ endif
+ call s:PutCursorOnNode(curNode, 1)
+ redraw
+ catch /^NERDTree/
+ call s:EchoWarning("Node Not Renamed.")
+ endtry
+" FUNCTION: s:ShowFileSystemMenu() {{{2
+function! s:ShowFileSystemMenu()
+ let curNode = s:GetSelectedNode()
+ if curNode == {}
+ call s:Echo("Put the cursor on a node first" )
+ return
+ endif
+ echo "NERDTree Filesystem Menu\n" .
+ \ "==========================================================\n".
+ \ "Select the desired operation: \n" .
+ \ " (1) - Add a childnode\n".
+ \ " (2) - Rename the current node\n".
+ \ " (3) - Delete the current node\n\n"
+ let choice = nr2char(getchar())
+ if choice == 1
+ call s:InsertNewNode()
+ elseif choice == 2
+ call s:RenameCurrent()
+ elseif choice == 3
+ call s:DeleteNode()
+ endif
+" FUNCTION: s:ToggleIgnoreFilter() {{{2
+" toggles the use of the NERDTreeIgnore option
+function! s:ToggleIgnoreFilter()
+ let t:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled = !t:NERDTreeIgnoreEnabled
+ call s:RenderViewSavingPosition()
+ call s:CenterView()
+" FUNCTION: s:ToggleShowFiles() {{{2
+" toggles the display of hidden files
+function! s:ToggleShowFiles()
+ let g:NERDTreeShowFiles = !g:NERDTreeShowFiles
+ call s:RenderViewSavingPosition()
+ call s:CenterView()
+" FUNCTION: s:ToggleShowHidden() {{{2
+" toggles the display of hidden files
+function! s:ToggleShowHidden()
+ let g:NERDTreeShowHidden = !g:NERDTreeShowHidden
+ call s:RenderViewSavingPosition()
+ call s:CenterView()
+"FUNCTION: s:UpDir(keepState) {{{2
+"moves the tree up a level
+"keepState: 1 if the current root should be left open when the tree is
+function! s:UpDir(keepState)
+ let cwd = t:NERDTreeRoot.path.Str(0)
+ if cwd == "/" || cwd =~ '^[^/]..$'
+ call s:Echo("already at top dir")
+ else
+ if !a:keepState
+ call t:NERDTreeRoot.Close()
+ endif
+ let oldRoot = t:NERDTreeRoot
+ if empty(t:NERDTreeRoot.parent)
+ let path = t:NERDTreeRoot.path.GetPathTrunk()
+ let newRoot = s:oTreeDirNode.New(path)
+ call newRoot.Open()
+ call newRoot.TransplantChild(t:NERDTreeRoot)
+ let t:NERDTreeRoot = newRoot
+ else
+ let t:NERDTreeRoot = t:NERDTreeRoot.parent
+ endif
+ call s:RenderView()
+ call s:PutCursorOnNode(oldRoot, 0)
+ endif
+" SECTION: Doc installation call {{{1
+silent call s:InstallDocumentation(expand('<sfile>:p'), s:NERD_tree_version)
+" SECTION: The help file {{{1
+" Title {{{2
+" ============================================================================
+*NERD_tree.txt* A tree explorer plugin that owns your momma! #version#
+ ________ ________ _ ____________ ____ __________ ____________~
+ /_ __/ / / / ____/ / | / / ____/ __ \/ __ \ /_ __/ __ \/ ____/ ____/~
+ / / / /_/ / __/ / |/ / __/ / /_/ / / / / / / / /_/ / __/ / __/ ~
+ / / / __ / /___ / /| / /___/ _, _/ /_/ / / / / _, _/ /___/ /___ ~
+ /_/ /_/ /_/_____/ /_/ |_/_____/_/ |_/_____/ /_/ /_/ |_/_____/_____/ ~
+ Reference Manual~
+CONTENTS {{{2 *NERDTree-contents*
+ 1.Intro...................................|NERDTree|
+ 2.Functionality provided..................|NERDTreeFunctionality|
+ 2.1 Commands..........................|NERDTreeCommands|
+ 2.2 NERD tree mappings................|NERDTreeMappings|
+ 2.3 The filesystem menu...............|NERDTreeFilesysMenu|
+ 3.Options.................................|NERDTreeOptions|
+ 3.1 Option summary....................|NERDTreeOptionSummary|
+ 3.2 Option details....................|NERDTreeOptionDetails|
+ 4.Public functions........................|NERDTreePublicFunctions|
+ 5.TODO list...............................|NERDTreeTodo|
+ 6.The Author..............................|NERDTreeAuthor|
+ 7.Changelog...............................|NERDTreeChangelog|
+ 8.Credits.................................|NERDTreeCredits|
+1. Intro {{{2 *NERDTree*
+What is this "NERD tree"??
+The NERD tree allows you to explore your filesystem and to open files and
+directories. It presents the filesystem to you in the form of a tree which you
+manipulate with the keyboard and/or mouse. It also allows you to perform
+simple filesystem operations so you can alter the tree dynamically.
+The following features and functionality are provided by the NERD tree:
+ * Files and directories are displayed in a hierarchical tree structure
+ * Different highlighting is provided for the following types of nodes:
+ * files
+ * directories
+ * sym-links
+ * windows .lnk files
+ * read-only files
+ * Many (customisable) mappings are provided to manipulate the tree:
+ * Mappings to open/close/explore directory nodes
+ * Mappings to open files in new/existing windows/tabs
+ * Mappings to change the current root of the tree
+ * Mappings to navigate around the tree
+ * ...
+ * Most NERD tree navigation can also be done with the mouse
+ * Dynamic customisation of tree content
+ * custom file filters to prevent e.g. vim backup files being displayed
+ * optional displaying of hidden files (. files)
+ * files can be "turned off" so that only directories are displayed
+ * A textual filesystem menu is provided which allows you to
+ create/delete/rename file and directory nodes
+ * The position and size of the NERD tree window can be customised
+ * The order in which the nodes in the tree are listed can be customised.
+ * A model of your filesystem is created/maintained as you explore it. This
+ has several advantages:
+ * All filesystem information is cached and is only re-read on demand
+ * If you revisit a part of the tree that you left earlier in your
+ session, the directory nodes will be opened/closed as you left them
+ * The script remembers the cursor position and window position in the NERD
+ tree so you can toggle it off (or just close the tree window) and then
+ reopen it (with NERDTreeToggle) the NERD tree window will appear EXACTLY
+ as you left it
+ * You can have a separate NERD tree for each tab
+2. Functionality provided {{{2 *NERDTreeFunctionality*
+2.1. Commands {{{3 *NERDTreeCommands*
+:NERDTree [start-directory] *:NERDTree*
+ Opens a fresh NERD tree in [start-directory] or the current
+ directory if [start-directory] isn't specified.
+ For example: >
+ :NERDTree /home/marty/vim7/src
+< will open a NERD tree in /home/marty/vim7/src.
+:NERDTreeToggle [start-directory] *:NERDTreeToggle*
+ If a NERD tree already exists for this tab, it is reopened and
+ rendered again. If no NERD tree exists for this tab then this
+ command acts the same as the |:NERDTree| command.
+2.2. NERD tree Mappings {{{3 *NERDTreeMappings*
+Default Description~ help-tag~
+o.......Open selected file, or expand selected dir...............|NERDTree-o|
+go......Open selected file, but leave cursor in the NERDTree.....|NERDTree-go|
+t.......Open selected node in a new tab..........................|NERDTree-t|
+T.......Same as 't' but keep the focus on the current tab........|NERDTree-T|
+<tab>...Open selected file in a split window.....................|NERDTree-tab|
+g<tab>..Same as <tab>, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree......|NERDTree-gtab|
+!.......Execute the current file.................................|NERDTree-!|
+O.......Recursively open the selected directory..................|NERDTree-O|
+x.......Close the current nodes parent...........................|NERDTree-x|
+X.......Recursively close all children of the current node.......|NERDTree-X|
+e.......Open a netrw for the current dir.........................|NERDTree-e|
+double-click.......same as the |NERDTree-o| map.
+middle-click.......same as |NERDTree-tab| for files, same as
+ |NERDTree-e| for dirs.
+P.......Jump to the root node....................................|NERDTree-P|
+p.......Jump to current nodes parent.............................|NERDTree-p|
+K.......Jump up inside directories at the current tree depth.....|NERDTree-K|
+J.......Jump down inside directories at the current tree depth...|NERDTree-J|
+<C-j>...Jump down to the next sibling of the current directory...|NERDTree-c-j|
+<C-k>...Jump up to the previous sibling of the current directory.|NERDTree-c-k|
+C.......Change the tree root to the selected dir.................|NERDTree-C|
+u.......Move the tree root up one directory......................|NERDTree-u|
+U.......Same as 'u' except the old root node is left open........|NERDTree-U|
+r.......Recursively refresh the current directory................|NERDTree-r|
+R.......Recursively refresh the current root.....................|NERDTree-R|
+m.......Display the filesystem menu..............................|NERDTree-m|
+cd......Change the CWD to the dir of the selected node...........|NERDTree-cd|
+H.......Toggle whether hidden files displayed....................|NERDTree-H|
+f.......Toggle whether the file filters are used.................|NERDTree-f|
+F.......Toggle whether files are displayed.......................|NERDTree-F|
+q.......Close the NERDTree window................................|NERDTree-q|
+?.......Toggle the display of the quick help.....................|NERDTree-?|
+ *NERDTree-o*
+Default key: o
+Map option: NERDTreeMapActivateNode
+Applies to: files and directories.
+If a file node is selected, it is opened in the previous window. If a
+directory is selected it is opened or closed depending on its current state.
+ *NERDTree-go*
+Default key: go
+Map option: None
+Applies to: files.
+If a file node is selected, it is opened in the previous window, but the
+cursor does not move.
+The key combo for this mapping is always "g" + NERDTreeMapActivateNode (see
+ *NERDTree-t*
+Default key: t
+Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenInTab
+Applies to: files and directories.
+Opens the selected file in a new tab. If a directory is selected, a netrw is
+opened in a new tab.
+ *NERDTree-T*
+Default key: T
+Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent
+Applies to: files and directories.
+The same as |NERDTree-t| except that the focus is kept in the current tab.
+ *NERDTree-tab*
+Default key: <tab>
+Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenSplit
+Applies to: files.
+Opens the selected file in a new split window and puts the cursor in the new
+ *NERDTree-gtab*
+Default key: g<tab>
+Map option: None
+Applies to: files.
+The same as |NERDTree-tab| except that the cursor is not moved.
+The key combo for this mapping is always "g" + NERDTreeMapOpenSplit (see
+ *NERDTree-!*
+Default key: !
+Map option: NERDTreeMapExecute
+Applies to: files.
+Executes the selected file, prompting for arguments first.
+ *NERDTree-O*
+Default key: O
+Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively
+Applies to: directories.
+Recursively opens the selelected directory.
+All files and directories are cached, but if a directory would not be
+displayed due to file filters (see |NERDTreeIgnore| |NERDTree-f|) or the
+hidden file filter (see |NERDTreeShowHidden|) then it is not opened. This is
+handy, especially if you have .svn directories.
+ *NERDTree-x*
+Default key: x
+Map option: NERDTreeMapCloseDir
+Applies to: files and directories.
+Closes the parent of the selected node.
+ *NERDTree-X*
+Default key: X
+Map option: NERDTreeMapCloseChildren
+Applies to: directories.
+Recursively closes all children of the selected directory.
+Tip: To quickly "reset" the tree, use |NERDTree-P| with this mapping.
+ *NERDTree-e*
+Default key: e
+Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenExpl
+Applies to: files and directories.
+Opens a netrw on the selected directory, or the selected file's directory.
+ *NERDTree-P*
+Default key: P
+Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpRoot
+Applies to: no restrictions.
+Jump to the tree root.
+ *NERDTree-p*
+Default key: p
+Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpParent
+Applies to: files and directories.
+Jump to the parent node of the selected node.
+ *NERDTree-K*
+Default key: K
+Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpFirstChild
+Applies to: files and directories.
+Jump to the first child of the current nodes parent.
+If the cursor is already on the first node then do the following:
+ * loop back thru the siblings of the current nodes parent until we find an
+ open dir with children
+ * go to the first child of that node
+ *NERDTree-J*
+Default key: J
+Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpLastChild
+Applies to: files and directories.
+Jump to the last child of the current nodes parent.
+If the cursor is already on the last node then do the following:
+ * loop forward thru the siblings of the current nodes parent until we find
+ an open dir with children
+ * go to the last child of that node
+ *NERDTree-c-j*
+Default key: <C-j>
+Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling
+Applies to: files and directories.
+If a dir node is selected, jump to the next sibling of that node.
+If a file node is selected, jump to the next sibling of that nodes parent.
+ *NERDTree-c-k*
+Default key: <C-k>
+Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpPrevSibling
+Applies to: files and directories.
+If a dir node is selected, jump to the previous sibling of that node.
+If a file node is selected, jump to the previous sibling of that nodes parent.
+ *NERDTree-C*
+Default key: C
+Map option: NERDTreeMapChdir
+Applies to: directories.
+Made the selected directory node the new tree root.
+ *NERDTree-u*
+Default key: u
+Map option: NERDTreeMapUpdir
+Applies to: no restrictions.
+Move the tree root up a dir (like doing a "cd ..").
+ *NERDTree-U*
+Default key: U
+Map option: NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen
+Applies to: no restrictions.
+Like |NERDTree-u| except that the old tree root is kept open.
+ *NERDTree-r*
+Default key: r
+Map option: NERDTreeMapRefresh
+Applies to: files and directories.
+If a dir is selected, recursively refresh that dir, i.e. scan the filesystem
+for changes and represent them in the tree.
+If a file node is selected then the above is done on it's parent.
+ *NERDTree-R*
+Default key: R
+Map option: NERDTreeMapRefreshRoot
+Applies to: no restrictions.
+Recursively refresh the tree root.
+ *NERDTree-m*
+Default key: m
+Map option: NERDTreeMapFilesystemMenu
+Applies to: files and directories.
+Display the filesystem menu. See |NERDTreeFilesysMenu| for details.
+ *NERDTree-H*
+Default key: H
+Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleHidden
+Applies to: no restrictions.
+Toggles whether hidden files are displayed. Hidden files are any
+file/directory that starts with a "."
+ *NERDTree-f*
+Default key: f
+Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleFilters
+Applies to: no restrictions.
+Toggles whether file filters are used. See |NERDTreeIgnore| for details.
+ *NERDTree-F*
+Default key: F
+Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleFiles
+Applies to: no restrictions.
+Toggles whether file nodes are displayed.
+ *NERDTree-q*
+Default key: q
+Map option: NERDTreeMapQuit
+Applies to: no restrictions.
+Closes the NERDtree window.
+ *NERDTree-?*
+Default key: ?
+Map option: NERDTreeMapHelp
+Applies to: no restrictions.
+Toggles whether the quickhelp is displayed.
+2.3. The filesystem menu {{{3 *NERDTreeFilesysMenu*
+The purpose of the filesystem menu is to allow you to perform basic filesystem
+operations quickly from the NERD tree rather than the console.
+The filesystem menu can be accessed with 'm' mapping and has three supported
+operations: >
+ 1. Adding nodes.
+ 2. Renaming nodes.
+ 3. Deleting nodes.
+1. Adding nodes:
+To add a node move the cursor onto (or anywhere inside) the directory you wish
+to create the new node inside. Select the 'add node' option from the
+filesystem menu and type a filename. If the filename you type ends with a '/'
+character then a directory will be created. Once the operation is completed,
+the cursor is placed on the new node.
+2. Renaming nodes:
+To rename a node, put the cursor on it and select the 'rename' option from the
+filesystem menu. Enter the new name for the node and it will be renamed. If
+the old file is open in a buffer, you will be asked if you wish to delete that
+buffer. Once the operation is complete the cursor will be placed on the
+renamed node.
+3. Deleting nodes:
+To delete a node put the cursor on it and select the 'delete' option from the
+filesystem menu. After confirmation the node will be deleted. If a file is
+deleted but still exists as a buffer you will be given the option to delete
+that buffer.
+3. Customisation {{{2 *NERDTreeOptions*
+3.1. Customisation summary {{{3 *NERDTreeOptionSummary*
+The script provides the following options that can customise the behaviour the
+NERD tree. These options should be set in your vimrc.
+|loaded_nerd_tree| Turns off the script.
+|NERDChristmasTree| Tells the NERD tree to make itself colourful
+ and pretty.
+|NERDTreeAutoCenter| Controls whether the NERD tree window centers
+ when the cursor moves within a specified
+ distance to the top/bottom of the window.
+|NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold| Controls the sensitivity of autocentering.
+|NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort| Tells the NERD tree whether to be case
+ sensitive or not when sorting nodes.
+|NERDTreeChDirMode| Tells the NERD tree if/when it should change
+ vim's current working directory.
+|NERDTreeHighlightCursorline| Tell the NERD tree whether to highlight the
+ current cursor line.
+|NERDTreeIgnore| Tells the NERD tree which files to ignore.
+|NERDTreeMouseMode| Tells the NERD tree how to handle mouse
+ clicks.
+|NERDTreeShowFiles| Tells the NERD tree whether to display files
+ in the tree on startup.
+|NERDTreeShowHidden| Tells the NERD tree whether to display hidden
+ files on startup.
+|NERDTreeSortOrder| Tell the NERD tree how to sort the nodes in
+ the tree.
+|NERDTreeSplitVertical| Tells the script whether the NERD tree should
+ be created by splitting the window vertically
+ or horizontally.
+|NERDTreeWinPos| Tells the script where to put the NERD tree
+ window.
+|NERDTreeWinSize| Sets the window size when the NERD tree is
+ opened.
+3.2. Customisation details {{{3 *NERDTreeOptionDetails*
+To enable any of the below options you should put the given line in your
+ *loaded_nerd_tree*
+If this plugin is making you feel homicidal, it may be a good idea to turn it
+off with this line in your vimrc: >
+ let loaded_nerd_tree=1
+ *NERDChristmasTree*
+Values: 0 or 1.
+Default: 1.
+If this option is set to 1 then some extra syntax highlighting elements are
+added to the nerd tree to make it more colourful.
+Set it to 0 for a more vanilla looking tree.
+ *NERDTreeAutoCenter*
+Values: 0 or 1.
+Default: 1
+If set to 1, the NERD tree window will center around the cursor if it moves to
+within |NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold| lines of the top/bottom of the window.
+This is ONLY done in response to tree navigation mappings,
+i.e. |NERDTree-J| |NERDTree-K| |NERDTree-C-J| |NERDTree-c-K| |NERDTree-p|
+The centering is done with a |zz| operation.
+ *NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold*
+Values: Any natural number.
+Default: 3
+This option controls the "sensitivity" of the NERD tree auto centering. See
+|NERDTreeAutoCenter| for details.
+ *NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort*
+Values: 0 or 1.
+Default: 0.
+By default the NERD tree does not sort nodes case sensitively, i.e. nodes
+could appear like this: >
+ bar.c
+ Baz.c
+ blarg.c
+ boner.c
+ Foo.c
+But, if you set this option to 1 then the case of the nodes will be taken into
+account. The above nodes would then be sorted like this: >
+ Baz.c
+ Foo.c
+ bar.c
+ blarg.c
+ boner.c
+ *NERDTreeChDirMode*
+Values: 0, 1 or 2.
+Default: 1.
+Use this option to tell the script when (if at all) to change the current
+working directory (CWD) for vim.
+If it is set to 0 then the CWD is never changed by the NERD tree.
+If set to 1 then the CWD is changed when the NERD tree is first loaded to the
+directory it is initialized in. For example, if you start the NERD tree with >
+ :NERDTree /home/marty/foobar
+then the CWD will be changed to /home/marty/foobar and will not be changed
+again unless you init another NERD tree with a similar command.
+If the option is set to 2 then it behaves the same as if set to 1 except that
+the CWD is changed whenever the tree root is changed. For example, if the CWD
+is /home/marty/foobar and you make the node for /home/marty/foobar/baz the new
+root then the CWD will become /home/marty/foobar/baz.
+Note to windows users: it is highly recommended that you have this option set
+to either 1 or 2 or else the script wont function properly if you attempt to
+open a NERD tree on a different drive to the one vim is currently in.
+Authors note: at work i have this option set to 1 because i have a giant ctags
+file in the root dir of my project. This way i can initialise the NERD tree
+with the root dir of my project and always have ctags available to me --- no
+matter where i go with the NERD tree.
+ *NERDTreeHighlightCursorline*
+Values: 0 or 1.
+Default: 1.
+If set to 1, the current cursor line in the NERD tree buffer will be
+highlighted. This is done using the |cursorline| option.
+ *NERDTreeIgnore*
+Values: a list of regular expressions.
+Default: ['\~$'].
+This option is used to specify which files the NERD tree should ignore. It
+must be a list of regular expressions. When the NERD tree is rendered, any
+files/dirs that match any of the regex's in NERDTreeIgnore wont be displayed.
+For example if you put the following line in your vimrc: >
+ let NERDTreeIgnore=['\.vim$', '\~$']
+then all files ending in .vim or ~ will be ignored.
+Note: to tell the NERD tree not to ignore any files you must use the following
+line: >
+ let NERDTreeIgnore=[]
+The file filters can be turned on and off dynamically with the |NERDTree-f|
+ *NERDTreeMouseMode*
+Values: 1, 2 or 3.
+Default: 1.
+If set to 1 then a double click on a node is required to open it.
+If set to 2 then a single click will open directory nodes, while a double
+click will still be required for file nodes.
+If set to 3 then a single click will open any node.
+Note: a double click anywhere on a line that a tree node is on will
+activate it, but all single-click activations must be done on name of the node
+itself. For example, if you have the following node: >
+ | | |-application.rb
+then (to single click activate it) you must click somewhere in
+ *NERDTreeShowFiles*
+Values: 0 or 1.
+Default: 1.
+If this option is set to 1 then files are displayed in the NERD tree. If it is
+set to 0 then only directories are displayed.
+This option can be toggled dynamically with the |NERDTree-F| mapping and is
+useful for drastically shrinking the tree when you are navigating to a
+different part of the tree.
+ *NERDTreeShowHidden*
+Values: 0 or 1.
+Default: 0.
+This option tells vim whether to display hidden files by default. This option
+can be dynamically toggled with the |NERDTree-H| mapping.
+Use one of the follow lines to set this option: >
+ let NERDTreeShowHidden=0
+ let NERDTreeShowHidden=1
+ *NERDTreeSortOrder*
+Values: a list of regular expressions.
+Default: ['\/$', '*', '\.swp$', '\.bak$', '\~$']
+This option is set to a list of regular expressions which are used to
+specify the order of nodes under their parent.
+For example, if the option is set to: >
+ ['\.vim$', '\.c$', '\.h$', '*', 'foobar']
+then all .vim files will be placed at the top, followed by all .c files then
+all .h files. All files containing the string 'foobar' will be placed at the
+end. The star is a special flag: it tells the script that every node that
+doesnt match any of the other regexps should be placed here.
+If no star is present in NERDTreeSortOrder then one is automatically appended
+to the array.
+The regex '\/$' should be used to match directory nodes.
+After this sorting is done, the files in each group are sorted alphabetically.
+Other examples: >
+ (1) ['*', '\/$']
+ (2) []
+ (3) ['\/$', '\.rb$', '\.php$', '*', '\.swp$', '\.bak$', '\~$']
+1. Directories will appear last, everything else will appear above.
+2. Every will simply appear in alphabetical order.
+3. Dirs will appear first, then ruby and php. Swap files, bak files and vim
+ backup files will appear last with everything else preceding them.
+ *NERDTreeSplitVertical*
+Values: 0 or 1.
+Default: 1.
+This option, along with |NERDTreeWinPos|, is used to determine where the NERD
+tree window appears.
+If it is set to 1 then the NERD tree window will appear on either the left or
+right side of the screen (depending on the |NERDTreeWinPos| option).
+If it set to 0 then the NERD tree window will appear at the top of the screen.
+ *NERDTreeWinPos*
+Values: 0 or 1.
+Default: 1.
+This option works in conjunction with the |NERDTreeSplitVertical| option to
+determine where NERD tree window is placed on the screen.
+If the option is set to 1 then the NERD tree will appear on the left or top of
+the screen (depending on the value of |NERDTreeSplitVertical|). If set to 0,
+the window will appear on the right or bottom of the screen.
+This option is makes it possible to use two different explorer type
+plugins simultaneously. For example, you could have the taglist plugin on the
+left of the window and the NERD tree on the right.
+ *NERDTreeWinSize*
+Values: a positive integer.
+Default: 31.
+This option is used to change the size of the NERD tree when it is loaded.
+ *NERDTreePublicFunctions*
+5. Public functions {{{2 ~
+The script provides 2 public functions for your hacking pleasure. Their
+signatures are: >
+ function! NERDTreeGetCurrentNode()
+ function! NERDTreeGetCurrentPath()
+The first returns the node object that the cursor is currently on, while the
+second returns the corresponding path object.
+This is probably a good time to mention that the script implements prototype
+style OO. To see the functions that each class provides you can read look at
+the code.
+Use the node objects to manipulate the structure of the tree. Use the path
+objects to access the data the tree represents and to make changes to the
+5. TODO list {{{2 *NERDTreeTodo*
+Window manager integration?
+6. The Author {{{2 *NERDTreeAuthor*
+The author of the NERD tree is a terrible terrible monster called Martyzilla
+who gobbles up small children with milk and sugar for breakfast. He has an odd
+love/hate relationship with computers (but monsters hate everything by nature
+you know...) which can be awkward for him since he is a pro computer nerd for
+a living.
+He can be reached at martin_grenfell at He would love to hear from
+you, so feel free to send him suggestions and/or comments about this plugin.
+Don't be shy --- the worst he can do is slaughter you and stuff you in the
+fridge for later ;)
+7. Changelog {{{2 *NERDTreeChangelog*
+ - Now when you try to open a file node into a window that is modified, the
+ window is not split if the &hidden option is set. Thanks to Niels Aan
+ de Brugh for this suggestion.
+ - Fixed a major bug with the <tab> mapping. Thanks to Zhang Weiwu for
+ emailing me.
+ - Extended the behaviour of <c-j/k>. Now if the cursor is on a file node
+ and you use <c-j/k> the cursor will jump to its PARENTS next/previous
+ sibling. Go :help NERDTree-c-j and :help NERDTree-c-k for info.
+ - Extended the behaviour of the J/K mappings. Now if the cursor is on the
+ last child of a node and you push J/K it will jump down to the last child
+ of the next/prev of its parents siblings that is open and has children.
+ Go :help NERDTree-J and :help NERDTree-K for info.
+ - The goal of these changes is to make tree navigation faster.
+ - Reorganised the help page a bit.
+ - Removed the E mapping.
+ - bugfixes
+ - Added an option to enforce case sensitivity when sorting tree nodes.
+ Read :help NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort for details. (thanks to Michael
+ Madsen for emailing me about this). Case sensitivity defaults to off.
+ - Made the script echo a "please wait" style message when opening large
+ directories. Thanks to AOYAMA Shotaro for this suggestion.
+ - Added 2 public functions that can be used to retrieve the treenode and
+ path that the cursor is on. Read :help NERDTreePublicFunctions for
+ details (thanks again to AOYAMA Shotaro for the idea :).
+ - added 2 new mappings for file nodes: "g<tab>" and "go". These are the
+ same as the "<tab>" and "o" maps except that the cursor stays in the
+ NERDTree. Note: these maps are slaved to the o and <tab> mappings, so if
+ eg you remap "<tab>" to "i" then the "g<tab>" map will also be changed
+ to "gi".
+ - Renamed many of the help tags to be simpler.
+ - Simplified the ascii "graphics" for the filesystem menu
+ - Fixed bugs.
+ - Probably created bugs.
+ - Refactoring.
+ - Added the P mapping to jump to the tree root.
+ - Added window centering functionality that can be triggered when doing
+ using any of the tree nav mappings. Essentially, if the cursor comes
+ within a certain distance of the top/bottom of the window then a zz is
+ done in the window. Two related options were added: NERDTreeAutoCenter
+ to turn this functionality on/off, and NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold to
+ control how close the cursor has to be to the window edge to trigger the
+ centering.
+ - Tree navigation changes:
+ - Added J and K mappings to jump to last/first child of the current dir.
+ Options to customise these mappings have also been added.
+ - Remapped the jump to next/prev sibling commands to be <C-j> and <C-k> by
+ default.
+ These changes should hopefully make tree navigation mappings easier to
+ remember and use as the j and k keys are simply reused 3 times (twice
+ with modifier keys).
+ - Made it so that, when any of the tree filters are toggled, the cursor
+ stays with the selected node (or goes to its parent/grandparent/... if
+ that node is no longer visible)
+ - Fixed an error in the doc for the mouse mode option.
+ - Made the quickhelp correctly display the current single/double click
+ mappings for opening nodes as specified by the NERDTreeMouseMode option.
+ - Fixed a bug where the script was spazzing after prompting you to delete
+ a modified buffer when using the filesystem menu.
+ - Refactoring
+ - Refactored the :echo output from the script.
+ - Fixed some minor typos in the doc.
+ - Made some minor changes to the output of the 'Tree filtering mappings'
+ part of the quickhelp
+ - More bugfixes... doh.
+ - Bug fix that was causing an exception when closing the nerd tree. Thanks
+ to Tim carey-smith and Yu Jun for pointing this out.
+ - Now 'cursorline' is set in the NERD tree buffer by default. See :help
+ NERDTreeHighlightCursorline for how to disable it.
+ - Stopped the script from clobbering the 1,2,3 .. 9 registers.
+ - Made it "silent!"ly delete buffers when renaming/deleting file nodes.
+ - Minor correction to the doc
+ - Fixed a bug when refreshing that was occurring when the node you
+ refreshed had been deleted externally.
+ - Fixed a bug that was occurring when you open a file that is already open
+ and modified.
+ - Added a bit more info about the buffers you are prompted to delete when
+ renaming/deleting nodes from the filesystem menu that are already loaded
+ into buffers.
+ - Refactoring and bugfixes
+ - Finally removed the blank line that always appears at the top of the
+ NERDTree buffer
+ - Added NERDTreeMouseMode option. If set to 1, then a double click is
+ required to activate all nodes, if set to 2 then a single click will
+ activate directory nodes, if set to 3 then a single click will activate
+ all nodes.
+ - Now if you delete a file node and have it open in a buffer you are given
+ the option to delete that buffer as well. Similarly if you rename a file
+ you are given the option to delete any buffers containing the old file
+ (if any exist)
+ - When you rename or create a node, the cursor is now put on the new node,
+ this makes it easy immediately edit the new file.
+ - Fixed a bug with the ! mapping that was occurring on windows with paths
+ containing spaces.
+ - Made all the mappings customisable. See |NERD_tree-mappings| for
+ details. A side effect is that a lot of the "double mappings" have
+ disappeared. E.g 'o' is now the key that is used to activate a node,
+ <CR> is no longer mapped to the same.
+ - Made the script echo warnings in some places rather than standard echos
+ - Insane amounts of refactoring all over the place.
+ - Added two new NERDChristmasTree decorations. First person to spot them
+ and email me gets a free copy of the NERDTree.
+ - Made it so that when you jump around the tree (with the p, s and S
+ mappings) it is counted as a jump by vim. This means if you, eg, push
+ 'p' one too many times then you can go `` or ctrl-o.
+ - Added a new option called NERDTreeSortOrder which takes an array of
+ regexs and is used to determine the order that the treenodes are listed
+ in. Go :help NERDTreeSortOrder for details.
+ - Removed the NERDTreeSortDirs option because it is consumed by
+ NERDTreeSortOrder
+ - Added the 'i' mapping which is the same as <tab> but requires less
+ effort to reach.
+ - Added the ! mapping which is used to execute file in the tree (after it
+ prompts you for arguments etc)
+8. Credits {{{2 *NERDTreeCredits*
+Thanks to Tim Carey-Smith for testing/using the NERD tree from the first
+pre-beta version, for his many suggestions and for his constant stream of bug
+Thanks to Vigil for trying it out before the first release :) and suggesting
+that mappings to open files in new tabs should be implemented.
+Thanks to Nick Brettell for testing, fixing my spelling and suggesting i put a
+ .. (up a directory)
+line in the gui.
+Thanks to Thomas Scott Urban - the author of the vtreeexplorer plugin - whose
+gui code i borrowed from.
+Thanks to Terrance Cohen for pointing out a bug where the script was changing
+vims CWD all over the show.
+Thanks to Yegappan Lakshmanan (author of Taglist and other orgasmically
+wonderful plugins) for telling me how to fix a bug that was causing vim to go
+into visual mode everytime you double clicked a node :)
+Thanks to Jason Mills for sending me a fix that allows windows paths to use
+forward slashes as well as backward.
+Thanks to Michael Geddes (frogonwheels on #vim at freenode) for giving me some
+tips about syntax highlighting when i was doing highlighting for the
+Thanks to Yu Jun for emailing me about a bug that was occurring when closing
+the tree.
+Thanks to Michael Madsen for emailing me about making case sensitivity
+optional when sorting nodes.
+Thanks to AOYAMA Shotaro for suggesting that i echo a "please wait" message
+when opening large directories.
+Thanks to Michael Madsen for requesting the NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort option.
+Thanks to AOYAMA Shotaro for suggesting that a "please wait" style message be
+echoed when opening large directories. Also, thanks for the suggestion of
+having public functions in the script to access the internal data :D
+Thanks to Zhang Weiwu for emailing me about a bug with the the <tab> mapping
+in 2.6.0
+Thanks to Niels Aan de Brugh for the suggestion that the script now split the
+window if you try to open a file in a window containing a modified buffer when
+the &hidden option is set.
+=== END_DOC
+" vim: set ts=4 sw=4 foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}} foldlevel=2: