jQuery.fn.extend do copy : -> @clone!remove-attr 'id class' String::splitAt = (pos) -> return @slice 0 pos @slice pos Date::format = -> $.datepicker.formatDate \dd.mm.yy @ jq = (f) -> !-> $ f # Call this to localize Highcharts set-lang = !-> Highcharts .set-options do # old colors colors: [\#2f7ed8 \#0d233a \#8bbc21 \#910000 \#1aadce \#492970 \#f28f43 \#77a1e5 \#c42525 \#a6c96a] lang: months: [\Januar \Februar \März \April \Mai \Juni \Juli \August \September \Oktober \November \Dezember] short-months: [\Jan \Feb \Mär \Apr \Mai \Jun \Jul \Aug \Sep \Okt \Nov \Dez] weekdays: [\Sonntag \Montag \Dienstag \Mittwoch \Donnerstag \Freitag \Samstag] range-selector-from: \von range-selector-to: \bis range-selector-zoom: null numeric-symbols: null extend-date = (input) !-> if input.val! is //^ ([12][0-9]|3[01]|0?[1-9]) # day (?: (0?[1-9]|1[0-2]) # month ((?:20)?[0-9][0-9])? # year )? $// then now = new Date! [_, day, month, year] = that year ?= now.get-full-year! month ?= now.get-month! + 1 year = "20" + year unless year > 99 new Date year, month - 1, day .format! |> input.val # The Search Stuff $ !-> $ \form.search .hide! $ \li.search .click !-> $ \form.search ..toggle! $ \input.search .focus! if .. .is \:visible $ \input.search .focusout !-> $ \form.search .hide! # Add export addJS = jq !-> $ 'input[name=date]' .. .datepicker do date-format: \dd.mm.yy first-day: 1 .. .blur !-> extend-date .. # Show export showJS = jq !-> set-lang! $ ".detail .heading" .click !-> $ @ .closest \.detail .children \.mark:first .click! $ ".detail > .mark" .click !-> if (@src.index-of \closed) isnt -1 @src .= replace \closed \open else @src .= replace \open \closed $ @ .next-all \.details:first .toggle! $ \.details .hide! # draw the pies <-! $ \.pie .each $ @ ..highcharts do title: text: null tooltip: hide-delay: 200ms formatter: -> "#{@key}: #{@y.toFixed 2} € / #{@percentage.to-fixed 2}%" chart: background-color: null plot-border-width: null plot-shadow: off spacing-top: 0 credits: enabled: false series: [ type: \pie size: \70% states: hover: halo: null allow-point-select: true data-labels: color: ..css \color distance: 20px data: [ {name: if v>0 then k else '' , y: v, visible: v > 0} \ for k,v of ..data \pie ] ] # Statistics export statJS = jq !-> set-lang! df = Highcharts.date-format month = 30d * 24h * 60min * 60s * 1000ms const-dialog = !-> time = @x data <-! $.get df '/stats/_const/%Y/%m' time $ data .dialog do title: df '%B %Y' time <-! $ \.stats .each $ @ ..highcharts \StockChart do credits: enabled: false range-selector: buttons: [] input-date-format: "%b %Y" input-edit-date-format: "%m.%Y" input-date-parser: (value) -> value .= split /\./ Date.UTC value[1], # year value[0] - 1, # month ... 0-based -.- 1, #day 0,0,0,0 # time plot-options: series: stacking: \normal marker: enabled: false radius: 2 chart: events: click: !-> for p in @series.0.data if p.state const-dialog.apply p break x-axis: min-tick-interval: month min-range: month y-axis: reversed-stacks: false labels: x: 5 align: \left series: [ # const * data: ..data \consts step: \left name: \Konstant point: events: click: const-dialog # normal exps * data: ..data \expenses name: \Variabel step: \left ] tooltip: formatter: -> header = "#{df '%B %Y' @x}
" body = ["#{p.series.name}: #{p.point.y} €
" for p in @points] .join '' footer = "Summe: #{@points.0.total}" header + body + footer # Categories export catsJS = jq !-> counter = 0 add-img = $ \img#add new-input = $ \input#new new-image = (new-name) -> # we need to copy the image to get the correct URL add-img.copy! ..attr \src -> @src.replace \add new-name $ "li > span" .click !-> span = $ @ input = span.next! img = new-image \undo ..click !-> $ @ .remove! # reset text input.val span.text! <-! input.fade-out \slow span.toggle! span.toggle! <-! input.fade-in \slow img.insert-after input add-img.click !-> input = new-input.copy! img = new-image \minus ..click !-> <-! $ @ .parent!fade-out \slow $ @ .remove! input.attr \name -> @name + counter .remove-attr \style .wrap "
  • " .parent! # wrap does not return the li .append img .hide! .insert-before add-img.parent! .fade-in \slow !-> input.focus! counter++