" " use haddock docs and index files " show documentation, complete & qualify identifiers " " (Claus Reinke; last modified: 17/06/2009) " " part of haskell plugins: http://projects.haskell.org/haskellmode-vim " please send patches to " :Doc and :IDoc open haddocks for in opera " " :Doc needs qualified name (default Prelude) and package (default base) " :IDoc needs unqualified name, looks up possible links in g:haddock_index " " :DocIndex populates g:haddock_index from haddock's index files " :ExportDocIndex saves g:haddock_index to cache file " :ImportDocIndex reloads g:haddock_index from cache file " " all the following use the haddock index (g:haddock_index) " " _? opens haddocks for unqualified name under cursor, " suggesting alternative full qualifications in popup menu " " _. fully qualifies unqualified name under cursor, " suggesting alternative full qualifications in popup menu " " _i add import () statement for unqualified under cursor, " _im add import statement for unqualified under cursor, " suggesting alternative full qualifications in popup menu " (this currently adds one statement per call, instead of " merging into existing import statements, but it's a start;-) " " CTRL-X CTRL-U (user-defined insert mode completion) " suggests completions of unqualified names in popup menu let s:scriptname = "haskell_doc.vim" " script parameters " g:haddock_browser *mandatory* which browser to call " g:haddock_browser_callformat [optional] how to call browser " g:haddock_indexfiledir [optional] where to put 'haddock_index.vim' " g:haddock_docdir [optional] where to find html docs " g:ghc [optional] which ghc to call " g:ghc_pkg [optional] which ghc_pkg to call " been here before? if exists("g:haddock_index") finish endif " initialise nested dictionary, to be populated " - from haddock index files via :DocIndex " - from previous cached version via :ImportDocIndex let g:haddock_index = {} " initialise dictionary, mapping modules with haddocks to their packages, " populated via MkHaddockModuleIndex() or HaveModuleIndex() let g:haddock_moduleindex = {} " program to open urls, please set this in your vimrc "examples (for windows): "let g:haddock_browser = "C:/Program Files/Opera/Opera.exe" "let g:haddock_browser = "C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe" "let g:haddock_browser = "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/IEXPLORE.exe" if !exists("g:haddock_browser") echoerr s:scriptname." WARNING: please set g:haddock_browser!" endif if !haskellmode#GHC() | finish | endif if (!exists("g:ghc_pkg") || !executable(g:ghc_pkg)) let g:ghc_pkg = substitute(g:ghc,'\(.*\)ghc','\1ghc-pkg','') endif if exists("g:haddock_docdir") && isdirectory(g:haddock_docdir) let s:docdir = g:haddock_docdir elseif executable(g:ghc_pkg) " try to figure out location of html docs " first choice: where the base docs are (from the first base listed) let [field;x] = split(system(g:ghc_pkg . ' field base haddock-html'),'\n') " path changes in ghc-6.12.* " let field = substitute(field,'haddock-html: \(.*\)libraries.base','\1','') let field = substitute(field,'haddock-html: \(.*\)lib\(raries\)\?.base.*$','\1','') let field = substitute(field,'\\','/','g') " let alternate = substitute(field,'html','doc/html','') " changes for ghc-6.12.*: check for doc/html/ first let alternate = field.'doc/html/' if isdirectory(alternate) let s:docdir = alternate elseif isdirectory(field) let s:docdir = field endif else echoerr s:scriptname." can't find ghc-pkg (set g:ghc_pkg ?)." endif " second choice: try some known suspects for windows/unix if !exists('s:docdir') || !isdirectory(s:docdir) let s:ghc_libdir = substitute(system(g:ghc . ' --print-libdir'),'\n','','') let location1a = s:ghc_libdir . '/doc/html/' let location1b = s:ghc_libdir . '/doc/' let location2 = '/usr/share/doc/ghc-' . haskellmode#GHC_Version() . '/html/' if isdirectory(location1a) let s:docdir = location1a elseif isdirectory(location1b) let s:docdir = location1b elseif isdirectory(location2) let s:docdir = location2 else " give up echoerr s:scriptname." can't find locaton of html documentation (set g:haddock_docdir)." finish endif endif " todo: can we turn s:docdir into a list of paths, and " include docs for third-party libs as well? let s:libraries = s:docdir . 'libraries/' let s:guide = s:docdir . 'users_guide/' let s:index = 'index.html' if exists("g:haddock_indexfiledir") && filewritable(g:haddock_indexfiledir) let s:haddock_indexfiledir = g:haddock_indexfiledir elseif filewritable(s:libraries) let s:haddock_indexfiledir = s:libraries elseif filewritable($HOME) let s:haddock_indexfiledir = $HOME.'/' else "give up echoerr s:scriptname." can't locate index file. please set g:haddock_indexfiledir" finish endif let s:haddock_indexfile = s:haddock_indexfiledir . 'haddock_index.vim' " different browser setups require different call formats; " you might want to call the browser synchronously or " asynchronously, and the latter is os-dependent; " " by default, the browser is started in the background when on " windows or if running in a gui, and in the foreground otherwise " (eg, console-mode for remote sessions, with text-mode browsers). " " you can override these defaults in your vimrc, via a format " string including 2 %s parameters (the first being the browser " to call, the second being the url). if !exists("g:haddock_browser_callformat") if has("win32") || has("win64") let g:haddock_browser_callformat = 'start %s "%s"' else if has("gui_running") let g:haddock_browser_callformat = '%s %s '.printf(&shellredir,'/dev/null').' &' else let g:haddock_browser_callformat = '%s %s' endif endif endif " allow map leader override if !exists("maplocalleader") let maplocalleader='_' endif command! DocSettings call DocSettings() function! DocSettings() for v in ["g:haddock_browser","g:haddock_browser_callformat","g:haddock_docdir","g:haddock_indexfiledir","s:ghc_libdir","g:ghc_version","s:docdir","s:libraries","s:guide","s:haddock_indexfile"] if exists(v) echo v '=' eval(v) else echo v '=' endif endfor endfunction function! DocBrowser(url) "echomsg "DocBrowser(".url.")" if (!exists("g:haddock_browser") || !executable(g:haddock_browser)) echoerr s:scriptname." can't find documentation browser. please set g:haddock_browser" return endif " start browser to open url, according to specified format let url = a:url=~'^\(file://\|http://\)' ? a:url : 'file://'.a:url silent exe '!'.printf(g:haddock_browser_callformat,g:haddock_browser,escape(url,'#%')) endfunction "Doc/Doct are an old interface for documentation lookup "(that is the reason they are not documented!-) " "These uses are still fine at the moment, and are the reason "that this command still exists at all " " :Doc -top " :Doc -libs " :Doc -guide " "These uses may or may not work, and shouldn't be relied on anymore "(usually, you want _?/_?1/_?2 or :MDoc; there is also :IDoc) " " :Doc length " :Doc Control.Monad.when " :Doc Data.List. " :Doc Control.Monad.State.runState mtl command! -nargs=+ Doc call Doc('v',) command! -nargs=+ Doct call Doc('t',) function! Doc(kind,qualname,...) let suffix = '.html' let relative = '#'.a:kind.'%3A' if a:qualname=="-top" call DocBrowser(s:docdir . s:index) return elseif a:qualname=="-libs" call DocBrowser(s:libraries . s:index) return elseif a:qualname=="-guide" call DocBrowser(s:guide . s:index) return endif if a:0==0 " no package specified let package = 'base/' else let package = a:1 . '/' endif if match(a:qualname,'\.')==-1 " unqualified name let [qual,name] = [['Prelude'],a:qualname] let file = join(qual,'-') . suffix . relative . name elseif a:qualname[-1:]=='.' " module qualifier only let parts = split(a:qualname,'\.') let quallen = len(parts)-1 let [qual,name] = [parts[0:quallen],parts[-1]] let file = join(qual,'-') . suffix else " qualified name let parts = split(a:qualname,'\.') let quallen = len(parts)-2 let [qual,name] = [parts[0:quallen],parts[-1]] let file = join(qual,'-') . suffix . relative . name endif let path = s:libraries . package . file call DocBrowser(path) endfunction " TODO: add commandline completion for :IDoc " switch to :emenu instead of inputlist? " indexed variant of Doc, looking up links in g:haddock_index " usage: " 1. :IDoc length " 2. click on one of the choices, or select by number (starting from 0) command! -nargs=+ IDoc call IDoc() function! IDoc(name,...) let choices = HaddockIndexLookup(a:name) if choices=={} | return | endif if a:0==0 let keylist = map(deepcopy(keys(choices)),'substitute(v:val,"\\[.\\]","","")') let choice = inputlist(keylist) else let choice = a:1 endif let path = values(choices)[choice] " assumes same order for keys/values.. call DocBrowser(path) endfunction let s:flagref = s:guide . 'flag-reference.html' if filereadable(s:flagref) " extract the generated fragment ids for the " flag reference sections let s:headerPat = '.\{-}

<\/a>\([^<]*\)<\/h3>\(.*\)' let s:flagheaders = [] let s:flagheaderids = {} let s:contents = join(readfile(s:flagref)) let s:ml = matchlist(s:contents,s:headerPat) while s:ml!=[] let [_,s:id,s:title,s:r;s:x] = s:ml let s:flagheaders = add(s:flagheaders, s:title) let s:flagheaderids[s:title] = s:id let s:ml = matchlist(s:r,s:headerPat) endwhile command! -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,CompleteFlagHeaders FlagReference call FlagReference() function! FlagReference(section) let relativeUrl = a:section==""||!exists("s:flagheaderids['".a:section."']") ? \ "" : "#".s:flagheaderids[a:section] call DocBrowser(s:flagref.relativeUrl) endfunction function! CompleteFlagHeaders(al,cl,cp) let s:choices = s:flagheaders return CompleteAux(a:al,a:cl,a:cp) endfunction endif command! -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,CompleteHaddockModules MDoc call MDoc() function! MDoc(module) let suffix = '.html' call HaveModuleIndex() if !has_key(g:haddock_moduleindex,a:module) echoerr a:module 'not found in haddock module index' return endif let package = g:haddock_moduleindex[a:module]['package'] let file = substitute(a:module,'\.','-','g') . suffix " let path = s:libraries . package . '/' . file let path = g:haddock_moduleindex[a:module]['html'] call DocBrowser(path) endfunction function! CompleteHaddockModules(al,cl,cp) call HaveModuleIndex() let s:choices = keys(g:haddock_moduleindex) return CompleteAux(a:al,a:cl,a:cp) endfunction " create a dictionary g:haddock_index, containing the haddoc index command! DocIndex call DocIndex() function! DocIndex() let files = split(globpath(s:libraries,'doc-index*.html'),'\n') let g:haddock_index = {} if haskellmode#GHC_VersionGE([7,0,0]) call ProcessHaddockIndexes3(s:libraries,files) else call ProcessHaddockIndexes2(s:libraries,files) endif if haskellmode#GHC_VersionGE([6,8,2]) if &shell =~ 'sh' " unix-type shell let s:addon_libraries = split(system(g:ghc_pkg . ' field \* haddock-html'),'\n') else " windows cmd.exe and the like let s:addon_libraries = split(system(g:ghc_pkg . ' field * haddock-html'),'\n') endif for addon in s:addon_libraries let ml = matchlist(addon,'haddock-html: \("\)\?\(file:///\)\?\([^"]*\)\("\)\?') if ml!=[] let [_,quote,file,addon_path;x] = ml let addon_path = substitute(addon_path,'\(\\\\\|\\\)','/','g') let addon_files = split(globpath(addon_path,'doc-index*.html'),'\n') if haskellmode#GHC_VersionGE([7,0,0]) call ProcessHaddockIndexes3(addon_path,addon_files) else call ProcessHaddockIndexes2(addon_path,addon_files) endif endif endfor endif return 1 endfunction function! ProcessHaddockIndexes(location,files) let entryPat= '.\{-}"indexentry"[^>]*>\([^<]*\)<\(\%([^=]\{-}TD CLASS="\%(indexentry\)\@!.\{-}', '&': '\\&' } for enc in keys(decode) exe 'let res = substitute(res,"'.enc.'","'.decode[enc].'","g")' endfor return res endfunction " find haddocks for word under cursor " also lists possible definition sites " - needs to work for both qualified and unqualified items " - for 'import qualified M as A', consider M.item as source of A.item " - offer sources from both type [t] and value [v] namespaces " - for unqualified items, list all possible sites " - for qualified items, list imported sites only " keep track of keys with and without namespace tags: " the former are needed for lookup, the latter for matching against source map ? :call Haddock() function! Haddock() amenu ]Popup.- :echo '-' aunmenu ]Popup let namsym = haskellmode#GetNameSymbol(getline('.'),col('.'),0) if namsym==[] redraw echo 'no name/symbol under cursor!' return 0 endif let [start,symb,qual,unqual] = namsym let imports = haskellmode#GatherImports() let asm = has_key(imports[1],qual) ? imports[1][qual]['modules'] : [] let name = unqual let dict = HaddockIndexLookup(name) if dict=={} | return | endif " for qualified items, narrow results to possible imports that provide qualifier let filteredKeys = filter(copy(keys(dict)) \ ,'match(asm,substitute(v:val,''\[.\]'','''',''''))!=-1') let keys = (qual!='') ? filteredKeys : keys(dict) if (keys==[]) && (qual!='') echoerr qual.'.'.unqual.' not found in imports' return 0 endif " use 'setlocal completeopt+=menuone' if you always want to see menus before " anything happens (I do, but many users don't..) if len(keys)==1 && (&completeopt!~'menuone') call DocBrowser(dict[keys[0]]) elseif has("gui_running") for key in keys exe 'amenu ]Popup.'.escape(key,'\.').' :call DocBrowser('''.dict[key].''')' endfor popup ]Popup else let s:choices = keys let key = input('browse docs for '.name.' in: ','','customlist,CompleteAux') if key!='' call DocBrowser(dict[key]) endif endif endfunction if !exists("g:haskell_search_engines") let g:haskell_search_engines = \ {'hoogle':'http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/?hoogle=%s' \ ,'hayoo!':'http://holumbus.fh-wedel.de/hayoo/hayoo.html?query=%s' \ } endif map ?? :let es=g:haskell_search_engines \ \|echo "g:haskell_search_engines" \ \|for e in keys(es) \ \|echo e.' : '.es[e] \ \|endfor map ?1 :call HaskellSearchEngine('hoogle') map ?2 :call HaskellSearchEngine('hayoo!') " query one of the Haskell search engines for the thing under cursor " - unqualified symbols need to be url-escaped " - qualified ids need to be fed as separate qualifier and id for " both hoogle (doesn't handle qualified symbols) and hayoo! (no qualified " ids at all) " - qualified ids referring to import-qualified-as qualifiers need to be " translated to the multi-module searches over the list of original modules function! HaskellSearchEngine(engine) amenu ]Popup.- :echo '-' aunmenu ]Popup let namsym = haskellmode#GetNameSymbol(getline('.'),col('.'),0) if namsym==[] redraw echo 'no name/symbol under cursor!' return 0 endif let [start,symb,qual,unqual] = namsym let imports = haskellmode#GatherImports() let asm = has_key(imports[1],qual) ? imports[1][qual]['modules'] : [] let unqual = haskellmode#UrlEncode(unqual) if a:engine=='hoogle' let name = asm!=[] ? unqual.'+'.join(map(copy(asm),'"%2B".v:val'),'+') \ : qual!='' ? unqual.'+'.haskellmode#UrlEncode('+').qual \ : unqual elseif a:engine=='hayoo!' let name = asm!=[] ? unqual.'+module:('.join(copy(asm),' OR ').')' \ : qual!='' ? unqual.'+module:'.qual \ : unqual else let name = qual=="" ? unqual : qual.".".unqual endif if has_key(g:haskell_search_engines,a:engine) call DocBrowser(printf(g:haskell_search_engines[a:engine],name)) else echoerr "unknown search engine: ".a:engine endif endfunction " used to pass on choices to CompleteAux let s:choices=[] " if there's no gui, use commandline completion instead of :popup " completion function CompleteAux suggests completions for a:al, wrt to s:choices function! CompleteAux(al,cl,cp) "echomsg '|'.a:al.'|'.a:cl.'|'.a:cp.'|' let res = [] let l = len(a:al)-1 for r in s:choices if l==-1 || r[0 : l]==a:al let res += [r] endif endfor return res endfunction " CamelCase shorthand matching: " favour upper-case letters and module qualifier separators (.) for disambiguation function! CamelCase(shorthand,string) let s1 = a:shorthand let s2 = a:string let notFirst = 0 " don't elide before first pattern letter while ((s1!="")&&(s2!="")) let head1 = s1[0] let head2 = s2[0] let elide = notFirst && ( ((head1=~'[A-Z]') && (head2!~'[A-Z.]')) \ ||((head1=='.') && (head2!='.')) ) if elide let s2=s2[1:] elseif (head1==head2) let s1=s1[1:] let s2=s2[1:] else return 0 endif let notFirst = (head1!='.')||(head2!='.') " treat separators as new beginnings endwhile return (s1=="") endfunction " use haddock name index for insert mode completion (CTRL-X CTRL-U) function! CompleteHaddock(findstart, base) if a:findstart let namsym = haskellmode#GetNameSymbol(getline('.'),col('.'),-1) " insert-mode: we're 1 beyond the text if namsym==[] redraw echo 'no name/symbol under cursor!' return -1 endif let [start,symb,qual,unqual] = namsym return (start-1) else " find keys matching with "a:base" let res = [] let l = len(a:base)-1 let qual = a:base =~ '^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_'']*\(\.[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_'']*\)*\(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_'']*\)\?$' call HaveIndex() for key in keys(g:haddock_index) let keylist = map(deepcopy(keys(g:haddock_index[key])),'substitute(v:val,"\\[.\\]","","")') if (key[0 : l]==a:base) for m in keylist let res += [{"word":key,"menu":m,"dup":1}] endfor elseif qual " this tends to be slower for m in keylist let word = m . '.' . key if word[0 : l]==a:base let res += [{"word":word,"menu":m,"dup":1}] endif endfor endif endfor if res==[] " no prefix matches, try CamelCase shortcuts for key in keys(g:haddock_index) let keylist = map(deepcopy(keys(g:haddock_index[key])),'substitute(v:val,"\\[.\\]","","")') if CamelCase(a:base,key) for m in keylist let res += [{"word":key,"menu":m,"dup":1}] endfor elseif qual " this tends to be slower for m in keylist let word = m . '.' . key if CamelCase(a:base,word) let res += [{"word":word,"menu":m,"dup":1}] endif endfor endif endfor endif return res endif endfunction setlocal completefunc=CompleteHaddock " " Vim's default completeopt is menu,preview " you probably want at least menu, or you won't see alternatives listed " setlocal completeopt+=menu " menuone is useful, but other haskellmode menus will try to follow your choice here in future " setlocal completeopt+=menuone " longest sounds useful, but doesn't seem to do what it says, and interferes with CTRL-E " setlocal completeopt-=longest " fully qualify an unqualified name " TODO: - standardise commandline versions of menus map . :call Qualify() function! Qualify() amenu ]Popup.- :echo '-' aunmenu ]Popup let namsym = haskellmode#GetNameSymbol(getline('.'),col('.'),0) if namsym==[] redraw echo 'no name/symbol under cursor!' return 0 endif let [start,symb,qual,unqual] = namsym if qual!='' " TODO: should we support re-qualification? redraw echo 'already qualified' return 0 endif let name = unqual let line = line('.') let prefix = (start<=1 ? '' : getline(line)[0:start-2] ) let dict = HaddockIndexLookup(name) if dict=={} | return | endif let keylist = map(deepcopy(keys(dict)),'substitute(v:val,"\\[.\\]","","")') let imports = haskellmode#GatherImports() let qualifiedImports = [] for qualifiedImport in keys(imports[1]) let c=0 for module in imports[1][qualifiedImport]['modules'] if haskellmode#ListElem(keylist,module) | let c+=1 | endif endfor if c>0 | let qualifiedImports=[qualifiedImport]+qualifiedImports | endif endfor "let asm = has_key(imports[1],qual) ? imports[1][qual]['modules'] : [] let keylist = filter(copy(keylist),'index(qualifiedImports,v:val)==-1') if has("gui_running") " amenu ]Popup.-imported- : for key in qualifiedImports let lhs=escape(prefix.name,'/.|\') let rhs=escape(prefix.key.'.'.name,'/&|\') exe 'amenu ]Popup.'.escape(key,'\.').' :'.line.'s/'.lhs.'/'.rhs.'/:noh' endfor amenu ]Popup.-not\ imported- : for key in keylist let lhs=escape(prefix.name,'/.|\') let rhs=escape(prefix.key.'.'.name,'/&|\') exe 'amenu ]Popup.'.escape(key,'\.').' :'.line.'s/'.lhs.'/'.rhs.'/:noh' endfor popup ]Popup else let s:choices = qualifiedImports+keylist let key = input('qualify '.name.' with: ','','customlist,CompleteAux') if key!='' let lhs=escape(prefix.name,'/.\') let rhs=escape(prefix.key.'.'.name,'/&\') exe line.'s/'.lhs.'/'.rhs.'/' noh endif endif endfunction " create (qualified) import for a (qualified) name " TODO: refine search patterns, to avoid misinterpretation of " oddities like import'Neither or not'module map i :call Import(0,0) map im :call Import(1,0) map iq :call Import(0,1) map iqm :call Import(1,1) function! Import(module,qualified) amenu ]Popup.- :echo '-' aunmenu ]Popup let namsym = haskellmode#GetNameSymbol(getline('.'),col('.'),0) if namsym==[] redraw echo 'no name/symbol under cursor!' return 0 endif let [start,symb,qual,unqual] = namsym let name = unqual let pname = ( symb ? '('.name.')' : name ) let importlist = a:module ? '' : '('.pname.')' let qualified = a:qualified ? 'qualified ' : '' if qual!='' exe 'call append(search(''\%1c\(\\|\\|{-# OPTIONS\|{-# LANGUAGE\)'',''nb''),''import '.qualified.qual.importlist.''')' return endif let line = line('.') let prefix = getline(line)[0:start-1] let dict = HaddockIndexLookup(name) if dict=={} | return | endif let keylist = map(deepcopy(keys(dict)),'substitute(v:val,"\\[.\\]","","")') if has("gui_running") for key in keylist " exe 'amenu ]Popup.'.escape(key,'\.').' :call append(search("\\%1c\\(import\\\\|module\\\\|{-# OPTIONS\\)","nb"),"import '.key.importlist.'")' exe 'amenu ]Popup.'.escape(key,'\.').' :call append(search(''\%1c\(\\\|\\\|{-# OPTIONS\\|{-# LANGUAGE\)'',''nb''),''import '.qualified.key.escape(importlist,'|').''')' endfor popup ]Popup else let s:choices = keylist let key = input('import '.name.' from: ','','customlist,CompleteAux') if key!='' exe 'call append(search(''\%1c\(\\|\\|{-# OPTIONS\|{-# LANGUAGE\)'',''nb''),''import '.qualified.key.importlist.''')' endif endif endfunction function! HaddockIndexLookup(name) call HaveIndex() if !has_key(g:haddock_index,a:name) echoerr a:name 'not found in haddock index' return {} endif return g:haddock_index[a:name] endfunction